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>>>>While some police will just toss a joint in the trash if they find it on someone, many (and by many, I mean most) will not.
>>Fair enough- once somebody reaches the point of being searched, they risk arrest if a joint is found on them.
>Well that brings to light a other problem - the "stop and frisk" gestapo tactics that, for example, the NYC police were using - which means that a cop can stop and search you for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Since Trump is president-elect and of course ex-mayor Rudy Giuliani is one of his lapdogs this racist policy will surely be back in full swing soon enough. I guess my point here is that when you say "somebody reaches the point of being searched" - the thing is that this "somebody" doesn't have to do a damn thing to be searched.

Victor, I've been "stopped and frisked" before. Candidly, it's a minor annoyance at best. For the most part, I really don't care. I think part of it depends on how the cops handle it.

One time when it happened to me, I was running like a maniac through Penn Station to catch a train. I tripped while running (was carrying a heavy laptop bag) and almost knocked someone over. A cop saw it and was about to question me. I pleaded with him to let me go because I had to catch the 9 PM train, and it was the last train back home. He ran with me to the train and somehow got word to the train to not leave - and when we got to the train, he checked me over in front of a bunch of people on the train. Wasn't crazy about it, but I also realize the cops have a job to do. So I really don't care about "stop and frisk" if it's done properly.