11/11/2016 03:21:21
Al Doman (Online)
M3 Enterprises Inc.
North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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>>>Trump let neo-Nazis and the KKK crawl out from under the rocks where we've been shoving them for decades. I will NEVER forgive him for that, nor will I forgive those who understood that and voted for him anyway. John Scalzi got it right, as usual:
>>You say you'll never forgive Trump, nor people who knew what he was about and voted for him anyway.
>>How do you feel about HRC and her campaign and the DNC? Do you think they bear some responsibility?
>I think point here is that a vote for Trump is a vote for racism , homophobia, and sexism and you can't say it wasn't because it's been perfectly clear from day one that this was part of the deal. It's just as I was telling Marcia - that doesn't necessarily mean the voter is a racist - but they DID knowingly vote FOR racism. Obviously they generally seem to get a bit defensive when this is pointed out to them... and of course the victims of this racism are aware people voted for this. Now toss in the fact the GOP is stealing Obama's supreme court justice by refusing to have a hearing for mmmm... over 300 days now ( because the Koch brothers bought it) and you're going to end up with institutionalized racism, institutionalized sexism. institutionalized homophobia, possibly for decades to come. Of course the victims of this are going to protest - what other outcome would anyone expect? And needless to say the outlook for the future on how this all will play out is somewhat bleek at this point.

In case you haven't seen it yet:

Regards. Al

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent." -- Isaac Asimov
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right." -- Isaac Asimov

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