11/11/2016 13:31:54
11/11/2016 12:23:43
John Baird
Coatesville, Pensilvania, United States
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>>>>>Bottom line, ACA was bad policy.
>>>>>Executive order on immigration (which involved granting work permits and writing checks from the U.S. Treasury) was bad policy.
>>>>>Iran deal was bad policy
>>>>>Other executive orders getting shot down by the courts (including 9-0 rebukes) was bad policy
>>>>>Stimulus was flawed policy (helped states, but federal implementation was a total cluster____)

>>>>>I am sure that it comes as no surprise that I agree with you. And I am certain that little Victor will be around shortly to tell me that I am a racist (as well as other colorful epithets that he can dig up in his tiny vocabulary) because I did not agree with Obama's policies. Although I am no stalwart Trump supporter, I always felt that anyone was going to be better than Hillary. I know that we disagreed on this small technical point. But now it is the dawn of a new day. The future will be interesting. Let's see Trump's cabinet picks.....
>>>>I keep saying that I'm not calling you a racist - what I'm saying is that you're supporting a racist. Do you understand the difference between these two things or not? Because if you don't just tell me now and I will stop repeating myself - or simply admit you understand the difference and that I'm not calling you a racist.
>>>Obama was overtly racist and yet a ton of people supported him. What's the difference?
>>[mock surprise] Obama was racist?!?! [/mock surprise] but... but... that *can't* be true. Minorities *can't* be racist -- by definition*
>>* at least that's what I could gather from usage of the term. Was frequently labeled as racist by many schoolmates because I was NOT of Hispanic or other ethnic minority (the school district was over 90% Hispanic). On a similar note -- it wasn't until I was already in 8th grade did the school district reclassified me as bilingual -- apparently it took them that long to realize that bilingual doesn't specifically mean the second language is (Mexican) Spanish. Goes without saying that the motivation was strictly economic -- they could increase the count of bilingual students to get increased federal funding.
>LOL.. I'm sorry that you had to go through that, but George Takei and a lot of Japanese American suffered liberal b/s during WWII...

Ah yes "the camps"... My paternal grandparents and aunt ended up in a "relocation center" while my dad and uncle "missed out" (they were in Japan when the war broke out). Technically speaking, I'm "sansei" (2nd generation born), but due to circumstances (my dad was educated in Japan, my mother would be considered Issei), I'm apt to think and act more like a Nisei (or as I sometimes like to put it "nise-Nisei" -- an imitation Nisei). We did have a neighbor that was in the 442nd.

As for language barrier... Yep, my dad and uncle ran into that sort of problem as when they arrived stateside after the war, they didn't speak nor write a bit of English (though they were technically US citizens) -- and so for them they ended up taking night classes to gain proficiency in English. Interestingly enough, a number of decades earlier, one of my grandfather's elder brothers had an opposite experience -- he attended school through high school in the USA, ended up in Japan and had to go back to school all over again because he didn't speak nor write Japanese -- he did eventually became an MD in Japan.