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>And also if it wasn't for those protesters in the 60's like the feminist movements you wouldn't be sitting here would you? Instead of being a computer programmer you would be a house wife doing nothing but dishes and house cleaning.
>Victor Victor Victor. You really should take those bananas out of your ears and listen for a change ;). I WAS one of the protesters in the 1960's so, once again, you have no clue what you are talking about. BTW, there were powerful career women way before the 1960's. It took some effort, but there have always been exceptional independent women like me around. Not all females were kept barefoot and pregnant....
>I have a life - and it's thanks to people that that and me that you have one.
>Not sure what this garbled sentence is supposed to mean but I will make my best guess. And you are deluded if you think that I owe the life I have to YOU! Get a grip. I am a lot older than you are. Maybe you owe the life that YOU have to ME and others (older than you are) who paved the way for you.
>if it were not for protesters.
>I am definitely a strong supporter of the first amendment - as long as it PEACEFUL protest. What I want to know is why hasn't Obama taken the time to condemn the violence that is going on at the anti Trump protests ('course when they get violent, I tend to think of them as riots but that is just me). He IS still our president, isn't he? Why isn't he doing his job? He should be doing something to stop the violence...

Why did Trump say the demonstrations "very unfair" ? Which of course is very dangerous and stupid thing to say - he IS still our president-elect isn't he? And for the most part the demonstrations have not turned violent - so what exactly do you want Obama to say? Hey quite protesting?
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117