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>And for the most part the demonstrations have not turned violent - so what exactly do you want Obama to say? Hey quite protesting?
>Yes, I assume that he would say that it is "quite protesting".
>I really do not know what universe you are living in. There has been a lot of violence. What about the all the tweets out on twitter calling for Trump's assassination? Do these morons not realize that it is not a matter of free speech anymore when you are trying to get someone killed? Maybe you will finally admit that the protests are violent after someone is dead. Is that what it is going to take for you to admit that breaking windows, looting, destroying property and throwing projectiles at the police is not peaceful protest?
>I sort of expected Obama to do his job as our lame duck president. Can't understand why. I have seen no evidence in the last 7 and 1/2 years to prove that he is interested in doing the job - just that he really likes the perks. He was probably too busy golfing....

So far all I've heard about is some problems in Portland. I'm watching the news right now and there is a discussion about how peaceful the NYC protests have been along with many of the other cities. So I do not know where you're coming up with the idea that all these protests have turned violent because that is simply not the case. And good job by the NYC police department too for handling things the way they have.
The job of the president does not involve telling people to abandon their right to protest, so I would not expect him to do so. And while a tweet is not an act of violence, calling for any member of the US government's assassination is a bad idea (and as you pointed out illegal) - , just as it is a bad idea for the president elect to spend the better part of a year tweeting sexist and racist things, or to tweet or say things that clearly violate the constitution (like ban all Muslims and have a database of them all and have the carry ID cards). Keep in mind it's crap like this which has sparked to protests to begin with Marcia - ya know people are upset that people like you have voted for, and thus supported racism - so in effect these protests that you're complaining about is your own fault. If you don't want the protests - I suggest that you should not be supporting racism. As a so-called product of the 60's protests you claim to be, you should be ashamed of yourself right now and so some soul searching instead of blaming others for the result of your own actions and others like you actions.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117