13/11/2016 20:00:32
13/11/2016 19:39:22
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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Can you and V not now agree that you both want the best for your country?

I have always wanted what is best for my country. I am certain that Victor will never agree with that so it is a moot point.

Certainly the MSM conditioned the population to expect a different result which multiplies the desire to vent. Hence the protests that seem to mix personal animosity towards Trump with disappointment in the Republic and the archaic Electoral College that disconnects a popular vote (though on current figures, Trump may pick up the popular vote as well.)

Much as I enjoy some of your posts, I am not one of Pavlov's dogs. Can't speak for everyone else though...

BTW, this country has never been a democracy. It has always been a representative republic. So if dems won (which they did) the east and west coasts (California, Oregon, Washington, New York and New Jersey) they would undoubtedly win the popular vote. It does not mean that it is a good idea to let 5 densely populated states on the either coast control who governs the entire country. We country mice still deserve to have our voices heard.

The protestors have no interest in rioting and will be disappointed that their free speech is overshadowed by violence.

Huh? have absolutely no idea what you mean by this. IMHO, the rent-a-mobs are most definitely interested in rioting. I have seen no evidence to the contrary.

Meanwhile it's probably helpful not to taunt and provoke. We don't take pleasure in the misery of others, do we?

I agree with you there. However, if some people cannot accept things as they are and move on without pouncing to attack anyone who disagrees with them they may discover that a good offense is not necessarily the best defense. In a battle of wits, I feel guilty about engaging someone who is not armed ;)