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>Are the reasons for your denial listed here :
>OK. Let's just talk about my option here if you don't mind. 180 years ago, most scientists believed that Earth had been steadily cooling since it was formed. They actually believed that we were going to face another ice age. Then they changed their tune and decided that it was global warming - that the planet is now getting warmer due to man-made green house gasses. Then, in Newspeak, it became climate change.

There have been a few advances in science over the past 180 years.

>For crying out loud. The climate has been changing since the earth was born. Is there some reason the climate at this particular point in time is the one "perfect" climate and we need to preserve it? Who decided that? Plus, no matter what kind of carbon taxes we levy on the western world (which, IMO, has nothing to do with global warming or global cooling but, is instead another attempt to redistribute wealth). Take a look at the pollution being spewed by places like India and China. They are the problem. So try levying a carbon tax on them, and the other polluters.

The USA is number two on the list: Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Consumption of Energy (Million Metric Tons)
1. China 8715.31
2. United States 5490.63
3. Russia 1788.14
4. India 1725.76 as you can see - we are not only part of the problem, we are a huge part of the problem. The USA is one of the worlds leaders, and as such we should lead by example. Pointing fingers and saying others are the problem is irresponsible.

>I believe in clean air and clean water. I recycle, This planet is the our home and we should not be turning it into a toilet. End of story.

Then I would think you wouldn't be too happy with Trump's choosing Myron Ebell to oversee EPA transition either. Lets put aside the climate change issue for a second here - keep in mind that he that says the United States should unleash the full power of coal, oil and gas to fuel economic growth and job creation. THIS is the the guy Trump picked for the Environmental Protection Agency. This hardly makes any sense. If you want clean air and water, this is not the guy you want is it?
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117