23/11/2016 04:45:43
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>>>I love crab legs, lobster tail, and grilled shrimp - but I can't stand fish.
>>Crustaceans are basically sea-insects and are not related at all to fin fish, so that's actually not too surprising.
>Continuing my "crass American" theme, all I know is that king crab legs with hot salty/spicy garlic butter are awesome - and no amount of garlic butter can redeem fish :)
>Although....I have to share this story (and maybe I told this before).
>Many years ago I was doing some training at a hotel Orlando. There was a sports bar in the basement of the hotel, so it was a convenient place to eat lunch every day.
>The first day, I ordered a Cajun chicken sandwich that was on the menu. The server apologized and said, "Sorry, we don't serve that anymore....however, we do have a Cajun Grilled Grouper that is very popular".
>I said, "OK, sure". It was very good, and I wound up ordering the same thing for lunch every day.
>By the last day, a co-worker said, "Wow, Kevin, that must be a great sandwich, you keep ordering the same thing every day"
>I replied, "Yeah, it is really good....I love grilled chicken"
>Everyone at the table (about 6 people) looked at me in of them said, "Uhm...Kevin....what do you think you're eating?"
>I replied, "I figure it's some kind of chicken, the server said on Monday that anyone who liked Cajun Chicken would like this....and truthfully, this tastes so much like chicken that I figured it was some kind of chicken"
>Everyone started laughing. I kid you not, I didn't get the joke. Then someone asked..."Kevin, WTF do you think grouper is?"
>I actually didn't know at the time, so I said, "uhm....some kind of chicken?"
>Then the laughter got louder. Finally someone burst my bubble..."Kevin...grouper is FISH"
>I looked at the sandwich and recalled how the last bite tasted. I was grossed out. I put it down and didn't finish it. Because I could suddenly smell/taste the fish.
>And that's why I hate fish so much. :)

Ah, the power of negative thinking.

When I was going through school working summers as a salmon fishing guide, one of the nuisance fish we would catch were Pacific spiny dogfish, a type of small shark. For most of us they were just a nuisance but one of my colleagues (MC) had a severe and abiding hatred of them.

One year, we had a 63 Hatteras at the dock for about a week. The owner had brought along his personal chef, who had spent time in Europe and was familiar with preparing and eating the very similar Atlantic dogfish. He was surprised that we considered them a nuisance and were throwing them back. He said, "Bring me some and I'll show you what you can do with them".

A couple of guides (not MC) gave him some dogfish and he prepared (if memory serves) a nice ceviche. At lunch he brought it over as an appetizer. MC and I were the last ones back from the morning fishing; I missed out but he got the last of it and proclaimed to one and all it was the best fish he'd ever eaten... until someone told him it was dogfish.

I used to think people "turning green" was a figure of speech, but within 10 seconds his face literally did just that. He ran to the nearest bathroom, slammed the door and blew chunks.

Sounds like he might be your 6th cousin, thrice removed ;)
Regards. Al

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent." -- Isaac Asimov
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