26/11/2016 15:33:04
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Thanks a lot Martina!

I will give it a try…

>Hi Nick,
>You can do one thing
>- download LibHaru – Windows Build for 2.3.0RC2 -
>- download Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) -
>- copy harulib to foxypreviewer source folder and recompile foxypreviewer project.
>>A very serious problem when saving a report to pdf with greek chrs (CP1253) (and may be for other langs)...
>>Just copy-paste somewhere the attached folder "" and run the project, from inside vfp.
>>Follow the orders at the "wait window" commands... It is self documented...
>>I used the last ver of foxypreviewer "v2.99z35 RC 2016.06.11" with lPdfReplaceFonts=.T. (in order to force it to use the internal "basic14" fonts of the libhpdf.dll, for code pages other than 1252, see the "correctionreplacefonts.txt") and .cLanguage="GREEK".
>>See the attached file:"PDFwithreplaceFonts.jpg".
>>ALL the Greek chrs (CP1253) looks OK, but almost unreadable (one chr is over the other)!!!
>>A very serious problem for the very common Arial and Times fonts.
>>The Tahoma fonts are OK, but without inclination.
>>For Courier fonts almost no Greek chrs.
>>In preview window the foxypreviewer displays everything OK! See the "FoxypreviwerOK.jpg" file.
>>Trying with lPdfReplaceFonts=.F. and lPDFEmbendFonts=.T., then 3 Greek letters disappeared! The 4th capital letter 'Δ' (DELTA), last capital letter 'Ω' (OMEGA) and the 12th small letter 'µ' (ME).
>>See the attached file:"PDFwithEmbedwithoutreplaceFonts.jpg".
>>A very serious problem for Courier and the very common Arial and Times fonts.
>>From Tahoma bold fonts the last capital letter 'Ω' (OMEGA) is missing also and again without inclination.
>>It is a must for me to embed the fonts into pdf, in order to be readable the GR chrs from tablets and Android phones...
>>If I use a 3rd party "pdf printer" everything are OK!
>>I tried for many days, to find out the origin of the problem, digging into pdflistener class, but no luck...
>>Is it an internal problem of the libhpdf.dll?
>>Is it a calling problem to the libhpdf.dll functions?
>>The best solution (for my opinion) it would be to find a way, to enlange the space between the greek chrs into pdf, using the basic14 fonts into dll...
>>But I do not know how to do it!...
>>I will appreciate any idea, from where to start, trying to fix the problem.
>>Also I noticed that the last ver of libharu is 2.3.0, but the foxypreviewer uses the very old ver!!
>>I downloaded the source of ver 2.3.0 from haru site, but I have no way to compile it, in order to create the new libhpdf.dll.
>>Have fun,
>>Nick Porfyris