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>No. Forbes put it at 90 million. Still a lot of money of course - but a drop in the bucket compared to a billion.
>ROFL and LOL!!!! Do you even see the irony of your response? I am laughing so hard that I am crying. Most Cubans earn $20 per month and the Castros are worth 90 million? Are you for real?

I was just correcting you as you once again had stated something that was simply untrue. One billion is not equal to 90 million right?

>What about all the people that were jailed or killed by the corrupt government and mafia figures that he got rid of? You're making the assumption that things would of been better for the Cuban people had their not been a revolution - and of course there is no way to know that for sure. What we do know for sure is that life would of been better for the Cuban people had we lifted the embargo decades ago - and we also know for sure that it was stupid to have it because it didn't get rid of Castro - all it did was harm the people of the island.
>I have to tell you, Victor, that you really need to improve your spelling and grammar. "Their" means "belonging to or associated with the people or things previously mentioned or easily identified". I think that you really meant to use the word "There" ( I also think that you meant to say "Would HAVE" instead of "Would OF". I know that proper grammar and spelling are terribly out of style these days but as an educated person, it really bothers me.

Yawwwn. Yeah well it was 2am when I wast typing that so frankly I don't really care as long as you were able to understand it. Generally I use proper grammar and I never pronounce the 'T' in often either. But of course that is all beside the point and has nothing to do with the topic at hand here either does it? It's the old infamous change-the-subject trick people use when they'd rather not admit they were wrong about something.

>OK. I get it. You believe that Castro was the savior of the Cuban people and the only reason that they are in poverty is because of the big bad US embargo, LOL!!!LOL!!!!LOL!!!!

No - I don't think you get it because that is not what I said. I did not call Castro the savior of the Cuban people - I simply pointed out to you that he's no worse than what they had before him, and since we do not have a time machine or the ability to change the past we will never know what the other outcomes could of been. But we do know for a fact that the single largest factor that has caused the poverty in Cuba is indeed the embargo.

>The common reason you hear from those who have risked the trip is because "there is nothing there" - which is of course the fault of the USA's because of the embargo.
>I really want some of whatever you are smoking. I didn't know that they had legalized pot in Hawaii...

On June 15, 2000, Governor Benjamin Cayetano signed a bill legalizing medical marijuana so if you didn't know its because you haven't paid attention for mmmm 16+ years. Might want to bring yourself up to date on this as now it's over 1/2 the states in the union.

...but again that's all beside the point here. I sated that he common reason you hear from those who have risked the trip is because "there is nothing there". So rather than admit I'm right your response is to ask me for some weed. Brilliant.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117