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>And if you're so big on wanting people with experience I find it rather ironic that you voted for Trump - who has zero experience.
>Not that I owe you any explanations, but I did NOT vote for Trump in the primary. In the general election it was a binary choice. Did I want a liar, criminal, Washington insider and a third term of Obama (HRC) or did I want an experienced businessman who might actually be able to turn this crappy economy around (DJT)? It seemed to me that the only intelligent choice at the time was "Anybody but Hillary". I thank my lucky stars every day that she did not win the election.

But your logic makes no sense.
a) Did not want a liar - but yet you voted for the biggest liar ever to run for president. Trump lies more than Hillary - so your logic fails here.
b) Wanted an experienced businessman -- right but you picked a FAILED businessman so this makes no sense.
c) Didn't want a criminal - so you picked the most lawsuit happy person ever to run for president who commits fraud. Your logic fails here too.
d) Didn't want a Washington insider - so you picked the guy who is appointing the most insider of insiders to work for him - including lobbyists! - so yet again your reasoning fails.

You're simply in denial of the facts Marcia. And considering the economy that was handed to Obama you should be pretty impressed with the turn around - but again you refuse to see reality. Plus you voted for a womanizing racist bigot and supported racism by voting for the guy. Now you can live in denial if you want and pretend that these facts do not exist - but just be aware that everyone sees though your b.s..
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117