12/12/2016 18:05:32
12/12/2016 17:17:58
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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>Thanks for the link.
>The AA Gill lesson is that you want your cancer diagnosed early. His was a metastasis which means it's already the most advanced/serious stage. Men are notoriously poor at picking up things early. Routine checkups? Pah, sissy stuff. Digital exam up your behind? No, I'm fine. Just give me a blood test.
>FWIW, I have personal (family) experience of cancer treatment in France, which was rated best in the world at the time for that sort of cancer. Also FWIW, we're well overdue for new cancer treatments. AA Gill's platinum chemotherapy was discovered in 1965: ask yourself what other medicine class has not been retired in favor of better alternatives, after over half a century.
>As for nivolumab: it sounds as if he did meet the US FDA approved use guidelines. However, not all insurers and plans offer this drug in the US, either. The suppliers offer assistance and grants to help people get going but it would be a lot more helpful to lower the astronomical prices that they justify by quoting the billions spent getting a good drug to market.

An acquaintance had one round of cancer successfully treated in Canada but a second round turned out to be a rare type (as in his was the 3rd reported case in literature worldwide). All the Canadian system could offer was palliative care.

However, he was born in Martinique and retained his French citizenship so he was eligible for treatment in France. It turned out that one of the 2 prior cases of that cancer had been successfully treated in France, as was his. If memory serves this would have been about 15 years ago.

Unhappily he succumbed to a third bout of yet another different type of cancer a number of years later. But his treatment in France gave him those years, let him see his son graduate from high school etc.
Regards. Al

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