14/12/2016 06:36:40
Tamar Granor (Online)
Tomorrow's Solutions, Llc
Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, United States
13/12/2016 18:15:43
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>>>>>>>>I haven't said much about this at all, but I understand that "Black Lives Matter" carries an implied "too" at the end.
>>>>>>>Then why did O'Malley, and Sanders, have to apologize for saying "All lives matter"?
>>>>>>Because it showed that they hadn't understood the implied "too" and thus, hadn't understood the underlying issue that for 300 years in this country, black people's lives have been valued lower than the lives of white people (however "white" was defined at that time).
>>>>>Asians don't have such thing as "Asian Lives Matter". Nor do they have nearly the number in government officials who claim to be fighting for their cause. Yet, as a group, they succeed and thrive. Why is that?
>>>>Because they haven't been repressed to the degree black people have in this country for the past 200+ years.
>>>Okay. So, how long does it take to get over the pain, and hardship, suffered by your ancestors?
>>>How do you explain people like Ben Carson, Thomas Sewell and Condi Rice?
>>The hardships suffered by the ancestors is not the problem - it's the system racism that currently exists.
>>Please take the time to watch this to get a better understanding:
>>The fact that a black person can be successful despite having the odds stacked against them is meaningless in this regard - it doesn't change the fact that the systemic racism exists. With your logic here you could ask why every single white person is not like Steve Jobs.
>Well, by your logic, ever single black person is doomed to failure.....goes both ways.....right?
>I've been in IT for over 30 years. I've met many professionals. Programmers, accountants, finance, lawyers, doctors...etc....
>How come blacks are way under represented in these fields? Is it because of racism?

Yes. Primarily systemic racism that made it hard for black people to get into these fields and to succeed when they did.

Essentially the same reasons that, for a long time, women were underrepresented in most of those fields. Have you read about Sandra Day O'Connor's experiences as a newly-minted lawyer. Despite solid credentials, she had a helluva time getting a job. From her Wikipedia article:

After graduation from law school, at least forty law firms refused to interview her for a position as an attorney because she was a woman.[17] She eventually found employment as a deputy county attorney in San Mateo, California, after she offered to work for no salary and without an office, sharing space with a secretary.[17]

>I've never meet a black software engineer. I don't think I've ever met a black accountant either.
> IMO, the biggest systemic racism is perpetrated by some people telling the minorities, especially black Americans, that they can't do anything.

Talk to some black people about it. (Yes, I have. I was fortunate enough to be raised by parents who made living in a diverse community a priority and to go to a magnet HS with girls of all shades from all over the city of Philadelphia.) They'll tell you about the barriers they've encountered.
