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>Better late than never eh.
>Perhaps, by your narrow minded little view. What if it had been never? I am sure you would be a lot better off today, wouldn't you? You can never admit that you are wrong about anything, can you?

There is no way to tell how things would be now if everything in the past was different.

> Perhaps the US should stop carrying the lion's share of the expenses for defense costs of the members of NATO and require more of the member countries to pay their fair share for their own defense? I think that this would be a peachy idea since we are almost 20 trillion dollars in debt and cannot afford to carry the rest of the world on our backs. However, I am sure that the rest of the mooches of the world would have a problem with that.....

This is what Trump was saying he wanted to do. That other brilliant things like having Japan and South Korea arm themselves with nukes. But these things are said by someone who doesn't understand the role NATO plays in the world. The USA is not the only country in the world ya know - and when our allies suffer, we suffer, - as the world is becoming a much smaller place these days. Being an isolationist in a global world is a recipe for disaster - as those in North Korea will tell you. Trump's 'me me me me me, screw everyone else, it's all mine, me me me me' rhetoric is not only foolish thinking but it's also rather selfish and short sighted. I can understand why that would appeal to some Americans though as many in our society are self centered and selfish (probably a result of living in a commercial society that equates success and happiness with money) - but that doesn't mean its not stupid.and dangerous. Considering how much of the worlds resources the USA hogs for itself and you still call others mooches. There is always the concept of sharing ya know.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117