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>> I can understand why that would appeal to some Americans though as many in our society are self centered and selfish (probably a result of living in a commercial society that equates success and happiness with money) - but that doesn't mean its not stupid.and dangerous.
>Check that link.
>Do you really think that those hundreds of thousands of people who have lost their jobs because of a fat-cat backed policy like NAFTA (supported by both parties - but championed by the Clintons) are self-centered and selfish?
>I've read that more than 50,000 factories have closed since NAFTA's passage.
>A handful of people like the Walmart heirs have made billions since its passage. The Clintons are multimillionaires
>Hundreds of thousands are desparate.

I looked at the link - and will read his detailed article while I'm on a plane tomorrow. NAFTA is one of those things I admit I haven't studied much and all I know about it is the jibberish I've seen on the news - so I know I do not have the full picture. I do think that while a lot of factory workers have lost their jobs I think there are other elements to in play here besides just NAFTA - for example automation and machines and robots have taken a lot of those jobs too - but I haven't even tried to find out numbers on any of that either.
When I was talking about Americans being selfish and/or self centered, I really meant more of a cultural thing as opposed to government policies and I do believe many many Americans equate happiness with how much money they have so that really has nothing to do with NAFTA.. - plus there are plenty of politicians that do things for the purpose of making themselves and their friends money. I think we will see a lot of this during the Trump administration - take for example the Exxon guy he's appointed. I will still read up on NAFTA because it's something I SHOULD learn about no matter what anyway :)
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