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>>>>>>>>Wrong... at least in the proportional numbers. Up here we get twice as many per capita.
>>>>>>>Population of USA is over 325,000,000. And over 1,000,000 new LEGAL immigrants per year.
>>>>>>>Netherland is barely over 16,000,000.
>>>>>>>Can't compare.
>>>>>>Yes you can.
>>>>>>Sorry, I got the numbers wrong... we got over 200.000 last year, the US over a million, so per capita we got 4 times as much.
>>>>>>And this applies to many european countries.
>>>>>Fine. So what does this prove?
>>>>>That some how the Netherlands are friendlier and tolerant?
>>>>I asked you the question:
>>>>>>And how tolerant is the US in terms of same sex marriage, euthnesia, abortion, production and use of soft drugs?
>>>>>>What is the minimum age a person can drink alcohol?
>>>>>>And how tolerant is the US about immigration? Asylum seekers?
>>>>If you take those topics into account I could name a dozen countries more tolerant than the US.
>>>>Don't take me wrong, its fine, but if you're claiming that the US is the most tolerant country, you'll have to provide the arguments to prove it
>>>Fine. Netherlands is a fine country. Have all the abortion you want. And take all the drugs you want. But I don't think, addiction to drugs and drinking at young age is such a great thing....but that's just me.
>>So you can't tolerate tolerance while falsely assuming you live in the most tolerant country. Wow.
>By that definition, you're not so tolerant at all.
>You're not so tolerant of my views.

Incorrect - just because I don't agree with your views doesn't mean I don't tolerate them.

>So, I have to actively accept all things to meet your definition of tolerance?
>Doesn't tolerance mean to allowing "things", even though they may goes against your values?

It means the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with - and I have no problem with the existence your opinions that I don't agree with. It doesn't mean I have to agree with them.

And there is a difference between views and denying facts - which I think is how this started to begin with. But again if you want to deny facts you can do that all you want - fine with me - but it doesn't mean that I have to deny the facts too or live with my head in the sand as well.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117