18/12/2016 19:21:00
18/12/2016 16:07:44
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>>>>However, his biography does demonstrate that someone with the most unlikely of origins can achieve lofty heights.
>>>>That was my point.
>>>>I don't know what racism is - if there is such a thing- and don't care to learn what it is.
>>>I may have misunderstood.
>>>">And of course it can be altered as witnessed by the fact that someone named Barack Hussein Obama was elected president of the US."
>>>It seemed like you were proud of the US because electing Obama proved we were not racist.
>>>Was that correct?
>>I never thought that we had to prove that we're not racist.
>>I did some canvassing for Obama in predominately black areas in Hamilton and Trenton.
>>Based on what I saw, I came away convinced that Obama's election will be an important inspiration to young people - black, white or whatever color- who come from backgrounds not typically associated with the Oval Office.
>Got it.
>His background as a lawyer and senator is an inspiration?

I think you're being disingenuous but I like you and I had a great weekend so I'll answer.
If you haven't seen the movie La La Land go and see it as I did with a beautiful (all women are beautiful), smart, loving and romantic woman.
Uplifting, delightful movie. We waltzed our way back to the car.

Back to your question.
Of course it was the fact that his father was a black man that made his election inspiring to minorities of all stripes.
When I was canvassing, I asked a black woman if she had decided on a candidate and she answered:
"Are you out of your mind?"
One of my friends runs a framing shop and before the inauguration she was overrun by black people having pictures of Obama framed.
My good Italian friends here like to tell me that Rocky Marciano was the greatest fighter (he wasn't - Joe Louis was) and that Joe DiMaggio was a better hitter than Ted Williams (I loved Joe D, but Ted was the greatest hitter ever)
My mother - a staunch Irish Catholic- cried when JFK was elected.

Of course we're inspired when someone like "us" succeeds.
I think that it's the economic underclass that finds that inspiration, not the racial class.

Do you think that WASP's around the world were inspired when GW Bush was elected?
I doubt it.
But the oil fat cats were licking their chops.

Forget race, Michael.
It's economic class.
The fat cats use race and religion to divide us.
Colonial England perfected that.
They did it in Ireland, South Africa and India.
It almost worked here.

Unite, Michael.
Anyone who does not go overboard- deserves to.
Malcolm Forbes, Sr.