19/12/2016 10:58:57
19/12/2016 00:32:43
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>So, yes, I was pushing you to unpack the logic of how your support of Obama was not based on his race.
>It may be obvious to you, but I would still like to understand it.

I'll try.
First, I speak for myself. I don't pretend to know why anyone else voted for Obama.
It became obvious to me early in my lifetime that people of my age who born into wealthy families - my widowed mother was barely able to feed us - had a huge advantage of people like me.
I delivered newspapers to their beautifully landscaped homes, set up pins where they bowled, caddied for them on the golf course, and tutored them in college.
I admit to a bit of vindictiveness here, but nothing gave me more satisfaction than getting better grades then those people, or tearing them apart on the golf course. My brother and I were undefeated in the last collegiate season we played together - playing primarily against people whose parents were members at exclusive clubs and went to the elite schools in our area.
There was no way we'd lose to one of those SOB's.
In my corporate years, nothing made me happier than going up against a Harvard or Princeton grad who sailed through on dad's money.
I'd be their boss in a few years.

So, if I see someone from a background like mine going up against someone who has benefitted from privilege.. you can bet your life that I'll be in their corner.

John McCain graduated last in his class at Annapolis.
His father was an admiral. There is no way that dunce should have gone to Annapolis.
You like to rant about affirmative action. What about that kind of preference??
People of the privileged classes get free rides all day long.
Some hard working kid could have done wonders with that appointment.

Obama, on the other hand, came from a single mother and a black absentee father and was walking around with a name like Barack Hussein Obama.
Unlike dunce McCain, who barely made it through Annapolis on dad's coattails, Obama excelled at Columbia and became president of the Harvard Law Review.

Romney is another story, but bottom line he was born into the upper classes and joined a party that catered to them, rather choosing as the Roosevelt's and Kennedy's did, to try help people of less privilege.

So, all other things being equal, I'll support someone like Obama over someone like McCain or Romney all day long.
When he went against HRC in the primary... well you can just guess how I felt about that.

So, am I prejudiced against inherited privilege?

As I tried to explain to you, I don't see racial divides here.
I see divisions along lines of privilege.
Yes, there are other divisions, but they're way down on my list .
Anyone who does not go overboard- deserves to.
Malcolm Forbes, Sr.