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>Like I said above; HRCs reputation is rather inconsequential at this point.
>What reputation? Oh. Are you talking about her bad reputation?
>Should I dismiss her statement that specifically Putin himself was involved because of a personal grudge against her? I'm not so sure that it is false,
>Why would you believe anything that she says when she is a proven liar? (Benghazi was caused by a video, there was no time to send reinforcements to save our people at the embassy, etc. etc.)
>However, the accusations that foreign interference occurred are serious, especially now that both CIA and FBI are confirming them as substantive.
>Actually, theses agencies and many others under the Obama regime (like the DOJ - remember slick Willie's 45 minute conversation on the airplane with Loretta Lynch?) have become so politicized that I do not have much faith in any of them any more.

When you say HRC is a liar - I think any reasonable person would have to agree with you- she, like all politicians, lies. However lets keep in mind that she lies less often than most (almost all actually). Furthermore why would any reasonable person put their faith in Trump instead when it's proven that he lies WAY more often? It doesn't make any sense too me when someone decides to vote for Trump because HRC lies. If it's the lies you have issue with - then why vote for the biggest liar ever to run for president?
This is something that I think the republicans are better at than the democrats - selling their B.S.... Trump lies, but so does HRC - so it is a wash. They say that and people fall for it - like I said the republicans are better salesmen.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117