21/12/2016 11:41:12
21/12/2016 09:16:10
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>Damn right I'm in opposition. I will be working as hard as I can to oppose Trump's and the GOP's agenda of eliminating Social Security and Medicare, taking health insurance away from 20 million Americans...

I am so glad 20 million Americans have insurance.
I wish they had insurance that works.

We had a seriously flawed system before and Obamacare has made it much worse.
I am now paying a little over $20k/yr for insurance with a deductible so high that I can't afford to actually use the insurance.
The cost of the insurance is frankly unaffordable.
Using the insurance is unaffordable.

This is also a major complaint for people who did not have insurance before.

Under the old system, I was pretty close to chucking "regular" insurance and going to a catastrophic plan.
I could have paid the cash price for care after shopping around.
I had to do that while uninsured - amazing how much less care costs when the caregiver gets paid directly.
The catastrophic plan would have covered if a big medical problem occurred.
Well, now those catastrophic plans are illegal.

A lot of people have figured out how to get catastrophic coverage even cheaper.
They go without any coverage at all.
If they get sick, they rush to the exchange and buy Obamacare insurance.
They can't be denied - there is no limit on pre-existing conditions.
As soon as their expensive medical condition is over with, they drop coverage again.
It is dishonest - but it is perfectly legal under Obamacare.
I don't want to be dishonest myself, I really don't. I may be forced to if costs keep going up.
The insurance industry has a few names for this:
"Adverse Selection"
but the more correct name is
"Moral Hazard"
There are many deep flaws in Obamacare that are making insurers drop out, but this is probably the most flagrant.
It is not just a deep flaw - this is a fatal flaw.
Anybody who understands insurance at all knows Obamacare was designed to fail

As far as I am concerned, Obamacare is a train wreck.
As far as the insurers are concerned, Obamacare is a train wreck.

Obamacare is going to fail anyhow.