17/01/2017 18:19:57
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>>>>I have another questions about replacing the hard drive with SSD. I am pretty much convinced that SSD is the way to go.
>>>>Dell quoted Western Digital SSD and I found that Samsung, supposedly, the fastest and a "Pro" grade SSD drive.
>>>>Aside from the prices (where Samsung is the most expensive, about $450), I want to be sure that the dimensions of the SSD will fit into the existing laptop.
>>>Pretty certain that the Samsung EVO class is good enough for you if you were working with HD before.
>>>PRO is only neccessary for a ***heavy*** W usage, think video generation or capture or heavy DB crunching, esp 24/7 continuos.
>>Thank you for your input. I thought that PRO will keep the drive more reliable and would last longer.
>It does. But the MTBF is so high for normal usage, that - barring manufacturing or design defects - you wil not enter that range with dev usage even with windows doing behind the scenes swapping of the processes of a few VM of a single user.
>>The speed of data crunching is not that important; I am not playing games :)
>PRO speed is only minimally faster.
>But data crunching will often create huge temp tables which are W seen from disk ;-)

Ok. I can see that PRO is not going to give me much more than I really need. Thank you!
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