05/02/2017 12:35:39
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Visual FoxPro
Tablet PC
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Visual FoxPro:
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>>Hi Antonio,
>>I compiled your code into a small project, not changing a line of your code. I ran the executable on my desktop and it works. It felt really weird when I could rotate the desktop (I had a tough time figuring how to move the mouse).
>>Then I moved the .exe to my FTP and tried to download it to my Windows 10 tablet, the Windows Defender keeps deleting it, indicating that virus was detected and deleted.
>>I will try to figure how to shutdown the Windows Defender so that I can run your code on the tablet. Or if you have other suggestions, please let me know.
>Thank you, Dmitry. I hope your desktop's "desktop" didn't get messed up too much, after the rotations (since the command button is the only input control of the form, pressing space is sufficient to circle around, but I know what you mean, it gets weird trying to reach for the command with the mouse when the screen is rotated).
>I don't have any particular advice concerning WD. Is it complaining because you are downloading the executable?...

No, the "desktop" came back to normal view; nothing was messed up in the end.

I tried to download both .exe and then zipped it and try to download the .zip file. In both cases the WD deleted the files. I am pretty sure the WD is just confusing something. I will try to place the file on a USB drive and copy it that way.
I will let you know how it works.
"The creative process is nothing but a series of crises." Isaac Bashevis Singer
"My experience is that as soon as people are old enough to know better, they don't know anything at all." Oscar Wilde
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