06/02/2017 20:05:52
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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>>>I assume you mean Betsy not Nancy....
>Sorry, you're right.
>>>All she wants to do is let every duffus who wants to turn a profit open a 'school'. You want our education system to turn into a bunch of Trump Universities ???
>I went to the trouble of listening to her actual hearing that has been badly paraphrased in the MSM (quelle surprise.) She's all about choice and devolution of authority towards the front line. One example I liked was when she was grilled about guns in schools. She brought up one of the interrogators' own stories about a school in Wyoming that had to install a fence because of roaming grizzly bears. DeVos proposed that the state or school might reliably make its own decision on having a weapon onsite to protect the kids. She refused to virtue signal the obvious/easy blanket response because it might leave kids in peril. Could that be intellectual integrity? Nope: the version I saw in the MSM claimed that an unqualified DeVos thought schools should be allowed guns in case grizzly bears attack.

...right - except you're missing the most important part of the story. The school superintendent of this school in Wapiti, Wyoming said there is no gun for grizzly bears nor would there ever be because they don't need one as they have other (smarter) ways of dealing with them and 'the anti-grizzly-bear fence seems to do the trick.', Plus guns are often ineffective against the animals - something I understand that Politifact has pointed out. Oh and that school has a strict anti-gun policy as well. There is no need to put a gun in a school to protect you from bears - Montana included. They've got it under control already. It's just another example of just how unfit this lady is for the job.

>She also said she intended to take a salary of $1.

That is the last of my concerns. Considering the budget of the department I think they can cough up the money to hire someone qualified and pay them. Not saying they need to pay them as much as say a college football coach makes - but that is another discussion hahaha

>>>During the hearing she sat there trying to defend failing concepts proven not to work.
>Do you mean Frankin's snipe about conversion therapy? Her response was that she never supported it, is committed to equality, believes in the inate value of every single human being, abhors discrimination and wants every child to be able to attend school and free safe. Here's a link with highlights: you might want also to check out the first question about strengthening public education.

I'm not saying she doesn't have some good qualities as a person - she does indeed. I watched the entire hearing not just a few minutes worth of snippets. She is just not the right person (or qualified) to do the job and it's pretty clear that is the case.

>>> But seeing how her family gave zillions of dollars to the GOP I guess some feel that makes it ok for her to have the job.
>She said she's not sure how much her extended family might have donated to the GOP, but I'm told she personally donated a 6-figure sum to the Clinton foundation if such things are loaded with meaning.

It's well over 200 MILLION dollars to the GOP and somewhere between 60,000-$130,000 to the Clinton Foundation. Of course one is a political party ($200 million) and the other is a charity (at most $130,000) so I think my point here is still valid. You are dealing with an element here that donates 20 times as much money to a political party as they do a charity - that alone should tell you something.

>FWIW, the last questioner implied that having never run a bank or loan system or ever having taken out a student loan, she lacks personal experience to be education secretary. Were that a valid argument, there should be no male obstetricians. ;-)

mmm I disagree - She has no experience of any kind related to this job - personal or professional. A doctor doesn't need to be a female to be an obstetrician - but they do need to be a doctor, so I think your comparison might be flawed :)
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117