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>>>I bet he will do a lot better job than either Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch did...
>>It depends what you mean by "a lot better job"! Just what are your expectations?
>Based on his history he will be better at violating people's civil rights and preventing black people from voting than Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch were. It's disgusting that the GOP lined up like a bunch of sheep to vote for this guy. And of course the little stunt that was pulled on Elizabeth Warren for reading Coretta Scott King's letter from 1986.
>If you haven't read it yet you can find it here:
>...and so end's the president's and GOP's 3rd week of the War On Facts.
Facts and reality are beyond comprehension to Trump.

I am very familiar with the letter from Coretta King's letter, and the meaning of the words.

There are different schools of thought in this country. Some think that no one of color, any color should vote. Others think that only the rich should vote, and still others feel that women should not vote.

Now when it comes to the boys who wear the white pillow cases, they will soon rise up and be counted. They will have support from the White House.

I am waiting for this to become a third world nation. Given a bit of time and leadership from Trump, that is where we are headed. The "American Dream" is over! If you want to survive, get on a raft and head for Vietnam.

After I received my MSEE from UC Berkeley, I went back to school and majored in History and Political Science. There was a time I enjoyed discussing politics and religion. These days such subjects are too caustic.

While I was in the Air Force I got to travel a good bit. I could not believe the people of the South and Midwest were real. Such hatred for humanity. That was from 1960 until 1967. I meet people from those regions even today, and they have not changed much. There I was at age 17, having completed Basic Training at Lackland Air Force Base, standing in the center of the train station in San Antonio, with 119 other men. We were waiting to leave for different parts of the country.

As I was standing there I saw the two distinct parts of the station: "Colored" and "White". I never saw or heard of such a thing in San Francisco, where I am from. I then came to the conclusion that we, were the "Third Race", the Air Force.

I traveled through places like Little Rock, Arkansas, Memphis, Tennessee, and then we arrived in Atlanta, Georgia. The fellow I was with went to the same High School as I did, as did a fellow named Carlos Santana. Mission High! Well, we were hungry and tired of "train food" (YUCK!), and decided to have a nice meal before continuing our journey to Orlando, Florida, our hew duty station.

There was a restaurant across the street from us, which had all glass windows and doors. A man was standing behind the cash register which was about ten feet from the door directly in front of it. As I entered, the man took a 6 shot revolver from under the cash register, cocked it and pointed it at me. He then shouted, "Marcia, call the Sheriff! We got race trouble"! You see, the man with me was at that time (1960) called a "Negro". It did not matter that we were wearing Air Force Uniforms.

I was then told, "We can serve you, but we can't serve your "friend"! I was so upset that I said, "If you can't serve him, then you can't serve me"! We went back to the train. Years later I realized that they could have shot both of us and no one would have cared. After we arrived in Orlando, our first week was spent "learning local customs"! They should have instructed us on that topic before we enlisted!