13/02/2017 11:57:22
13/02/2017 10:03:26
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As there was before a referendum on joining, Nicks argument makes perfect sense. Either you except the last-century decision "not to be out of the EU" (allow me some slight sophistry...) or you accept that a referendum is a momentary take on things which can be altered/rephrased/overturned at a later date ;-)

For me a timeframe of 6 years before pondering the question again would be sufficient, but here probably the a deuniated-on by current state of things-scale comes into play

>I don't not the referendum result as a decision.
>LOL!!!! Of course you don't. You disagree with it.
>I don't regard it as "the will of the British people" its the will of a small majority of those who voted.
>See above. Also, the key word in your sentence is MAJORITY. It doesn't matter how small it was. It WAS the MAJORITY.
>My own view is that politicians have to accept that and move on
>You next sentence contradicts this one.
>But moving on means campaigning about the exact terms of leaving and possibly beginning a process to campaign properly about Europe and re join.
>And that proper campaign process would be one that agrees with you. Of course, the result of your proper campaign process would be to rejoin the EU because you believe that Brexit should never have won in the first place.
>Though the Europeans may decide De Gaulle was right and say Non
>IMHO (BTW, in the opinions of Andy, my two British nieces, as well as well as most non-Londoners that I know) Brexit is the best thing to happen to the UK in a long time. Londoners should not be allowed to speak for everyone else in the country. Only a selfish person living in London would think so.
>Trump won the election but again on a marginal decision.
>Hmmm. 270 electoral votes were required to win the presidency. He took 306. I would hardly call that marginal. Or are you referring to the popular vote? If so, you are being a great big hypocrite considering what you had to say about the Brexit referendum. Please pick a consistent opinion and stick to it.
>the opposition needs to get its act together to oppose his extreme policies as effectively as they can and make sure the Republicans lose the next round of elections.
>Are you talking about things like the violent riots at Berkeley and NYU? I would call THAT pretty extreme. The democrats are in total disarray. They will probably lose even more seats in congress in 2018 because that still haven't learned their lesson and figured out what the majority of Americans want.