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>Perhaps you're not looking at it close enough. Does 'not my president' just mean that you don't support his ideals or does it mean you dont think his presidency is legitimate? I do not know of any movement in the USA claiming he is an illegitimate president (unlike what Trump himself did in regards to Obama for 8 years) - so 'not my president' seems more like protected free speech than sedition ('This president does not represent me or my beliefs about the USA - hence not my president). As far as 'waging war' against him - this is referring to a war of ideals, not a armed revolutionary war against the government. This isn't sedition or treason - this is how the USA works - checks and balances. 3 branches of government to keep each other in check. Now of course Trump is somewhat clueless to how government works and doesn't seem to comprehend that he is not a king or a dictator and he has already been shut down by the judicial branch over his stupid Muslim ban. But it's very important for the people to stand up and shout and protest when he does something dumb like this - or tries to appoint white supremacist as Attorney General, or someone with no experience that bought their way into the job as Secretary of Education, or appoint the guy who wants to eliminate the department of energy to head it, or attempt an illegal action like banning Muslims from entering the USA, or ....or good God it's only 3 weeks into this the list is already too long for me to list here. Just because you don't support Trump doesn't mean you're refusing allegiance to the USA or unpatriotic - in fact quite the opposite is true.

Victor, you're free to have whatever opinions you want - but there is so much substantial information to counter the idea that this was a "Muslim ban". I agree, what Trump did with his initial action a few weeks ago was incompetent and cruel. But it was never a "Muslim ban". People are confusing his campaign rhetoric (where he said countless things) with the actual E.O..

If you want to continue to label it a "Muslim ban", you're free to do so. But you're wrong.