15/02/2017 04:56:41
14/02/2017 14:33:11
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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>>Now imagine a perfect storm of sinking a US flagged luxury liner, multi-pronged chemical attack in NYC metro or central station plus biological vector with long incubation period given as a surprize present to Disney park visitors in each park within a month of second term elections.
>If you're suggesting that Congress might grant Trump his own Enabling Order - then I can't see it. There's actually no need, since the US system relies on absolute majorities rather than consensus coalition whose inertia needs to be cut through in crisis. Congress has given the president authority to act in certain constrained areas only and seems unlikely to grant him powers they can exercise themselves even if the opposition does everything it can to obstruct and delay. The courts, as we are seeing, are there to exert braking on executive excess. The media is supposed to be a 4th estate of democracy, but they've rendered themselves irrelevant IMHO.t

I have written before election that Trump might be a welcome shake-up of established structures. Some were even back then painting US system as a doomed ship if HRC would loose - my take is if the system does not survive a billionaire in typical rent years intermezzo, it is doomed for certain. Still think that way after pushbacks from courts and resistance to Flynn.

But IF trying to paint a more sinister picture I would argue that the election fraud theme is not motivated by a weak ego but an early attempt to position Trumpeteers at election chambers in 3.75 years. As part of the reps will be up for reelection, that might bind some more to his banner than they are currently. Given some preparation, blame for pictured attacks could be left at the door of those hinderimg Trumps efforts by due process. If reelcted under such circumstances with both houses stuffed then for a first with 25% clearly beholden to Trump JUST for their first time election and the public pushing "normal" reps for stricter measures, POTUS would need less than 6 years before 1939 for harsh military action - remember deer in headlights was the only thing needed for establishing the laughable WMD story well enough in US politics to launch 2. Iraq war.

Seen from this POV his large holdings in other countries are a huge benefit to peace, as they would be in much greater danger than his US holdings..