15/03/2017 02:21:12
14/03/2017 17:16:41
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Visual FoxPro
Forms & Form designer
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Visual FoxPro:
Windows 8
Windows 2008 Server
Visual FoxPro
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Thank you for answering, Al.

The colors are ver different. I'm afraid it can't be a different setting or a difference by "Night Shift" or the llike. I also have a difference on my developement machine with teo monitors between the two. But it is by far not that big if a difference than what I see between the two machines.


>Are the colours you're seeing very different, or nearly the same but noticeably different?
>If the latter, monitor make and model, and adjustments can make that kind of difference. These days LCD panels typically have tons of available adjustments beyond the basic brightness and contrast, e.g. PC or AV modes, themes such as "Warm", "Cool" which bring out reds and blues in particular. It's also usually possible to individually adjust the individual RGB levels. Users with colour deficiencies or blindness may have radically adjusted these values.
>This can vary even by time of day. There has been some recent evidence that too much blue light late in the evening can make it hard to sleep. I believe Apple already offers an option ("Night Shift") to turn down the blue in monitors after some user-defined time in the evening, it would not surprise me if Windows and/or monitor makers follow suit.
>Even best efforts at making two different monitors appear the same don't quite work. I have a dual-monitor setup with a newer LED backlit one as my main monitor and an older CCFL-backlit unit as the secondary. I got them pretty close, but on Windows 7 one of the default JPG/PNG viewer programs would show with a white boundary around images on the LED - drag the program to the old monitor, the boundary was a medium ivory colour.
>In the old days with CRT monitors, sometimes the screen would "burn in" and over time colours would look nothing like what they were supposed to, especially in certain parts of the screen.
>>Thank you for your answer, Dragan.
>>I checked and found:
>>All leverls of inheritence have Themes = .F..
>>ColorScheme = 1 (User WIndows)
>>ColorSource = 4 (Windows Color)
>>The color sets on both machine are identical.
>>Any other ideas please?
>>>>I have an EXE that shows some controls with different background color on 2 machines. The controls are command buttons and check boxes. Other controls don't show different background colors.
>>>>Themes is .F..
>>>>The controls Background and Disabled Background are set manually in the property sheet.
>>>>I don't understand why the controls show different background colors.
>>>Not knowing the actual reason, I'd look at
>>>1) themes setting at various levels - the button itself, its parent containers (page, container, form, what have you)
>>>2) colorsource property, which is by default = 4, Windows colors. Which works fine for most, meaning that your buttons have the colors of any other buttons on the same machine. These two machines may be simply using different colors, i.e. these two users didn't like the Windows defaults, good people :).
Gerhard Schmidbauer
URANUS Software GmbH