07/04/2017 06:26:40
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Visual FoxPro
Visual FoxPro e .NET
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>>>>>I just need an example of code then I can take it from there
>>>>I can expand on the example I already posted (below)
>>>>Please point out what's unclear to you -- specifically
>>>>cFile = 'some address'
>>>>use table
>>>>nField = fcount()
>>>>strtofile('', m.cFile)
>>>>strtofile('<table>' + chr(13) + chr(10), m.cFile, 1)
>>>>strtofile('<tbody>' + chr(13) + chr(10), m.cFile, 1)
>>>>  strtofile('<tr>', m.cFile, 1)
>>>>  for iField = 1 to m.nField
>>>>    strtofile('<td>' + trim(eval(field(m.iField))) + '</td>', m.cFile, 1)
>>>>  endfor
>>>>  strtofile('</tr>' + chr(13) + chr(10), m.cFile, 1)
>>>>strtofile('</tbody>' + chr(13) + chr(10), m.cFile, 1)
>>>>strtofile('</table>' + chr(13) + chr(10), m.cFile, 1)
>>>Thanks for that
>>Here's a program I wrote for my own need many years ago. I don't use it anymore, and I am sure that the code can be optimized quite a bit. But it works...! :-)
>>To use it, use the syntax strtofile(cur2htm('yourtable'),'yourpath\yourfile.htm').
>>Lparameters lxAlias,lxHBGColor, lxRow2Color, lxHFGColor 
>>Local lcHtml, lnFields, lnRecord
>>#define crlf Chr(13)+Chr(10)
>>If InList(Vartype(lxAlias),'N','C') 
>>  If Used(lxAlias)
>>    Select (lxAlias)
>>  Else 
>>    Return ''
>>  EndIf 
>>  If Empty(Alias())
>>    Return ''
>>  EndIf  
>>If Pcount()>1 and Vartype(lxHBGColor)#'L'
>>  If Vartype(lxHBGColor)='N'
>>    lxHBGColor=num2webcolor(lxHBGColor,1)
>>  Else 
>>    lxHBGColor='#' + Chrtran(lxHBGColor,'#','')
>>  EndIf 
>>  lxHBGColor='#CCCCFF'
>>If Pcount()>2 and Vartype(lxRow2Color)#'L'
>>  If Vartype(lxRow2Color)='N'
>>    lxRow2Color=num2webcolor(lxRow2Color,1)
>>  Else 
>>    lxRow2Color='#' + Chrtran(lxRow2Color,'#','')
>>  EndIf 
>>  lxRow2Color='#EEEEEE'
>>If Pcount()>3 and Vartype(lxHFGColor)#'L'
>>  If Vartype(lxHFGColor)='N'
>>    lxHFGColor=num2webcolor(lxHFGColor,1)
>>  Else 
>>    lxHFGColor='#' + Chrtran(lxHFGColor,'#','')
>>  EndIf 
>>  lxHFGColor='DarkBlue'
>>lcHtml = '<CENTER>'
>>lcHtml = lcHtml + '<TABLE  BGCOLOR="' + lxHBGColor + '" CELLPADDING="3" CELLSPACING="0" BORDER="1"  WIDTH="98%" style="font:normal normal 10pt Verdana;border-collapse:collapse;border-color:lightgray">' + crlf
>>lcHtml = lcHtml + '<TR BGCOLOR="' + lxHFGColor + '">'
>>For x=1 to lnFields
>>  lcHtml = lcHtml + '<TH style="font-family:Verdana,Helvetica;color:White">' + Proper(Field(x)) + '</TH>'
>>lcHtml = lcHtml + '</TR>' + crlf
>>  If lnRecord%2=0
>>    lcHtml = lcHtml + '<TR style="background:' + lxRow2Color + '" VALIGN=TOP>'
>>  Else 
>>    lcHtml = lcHtml + '<TR VALIGN=TOP>'
>>  EndIf 
>>  For x=1 to lnFields
>>    Do case 
>>      Case InList(type(Field(x)),'N','I','Y') 
>>        lcHtml = lcHtml + '<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>' + Transform(Evaluate(Field(x))) + '</TD>'
>>      Case InList(type(Field(x)),'C','M') and (Upper(Evaluate(Field(x)))='HTTP' or Upper(Evaluate(Field(x)))='FTP:')
>>        lcHtml = lcHtml + '<TD><a href="' + Trim(Mline(Evaluate(Field(x)),1)) + '"> ' + Trim(Mline(Evaluate(Field(x)),1)) + '</TD>'
>>      Case InList(type(Field(x)),'C','M') and ValidEmail(Alltrim(Evaluate(Field(x))))
>>        lcHtml = lcHtml + '<TD><a href=mailto:' + Trim(Mline(Evaluate(Field(x)),1)) + '> ' + Trim(Mline(Evaluate(Field(x)),1)) + '</TD>'
>>      Case InList(type(Field(x)),'D','M','T')
>>        lcHtml = lcHtml + '<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>' + Transform(Evaluate(Field(x))) + '</TD>'
>>      Case type(Field(x))='L'
>>        lcHtml = lcHtml + '<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>' + Iif(Evaluate(Field(x)),'Ja','Nei') + '</TD>'
>>      Otherwise 
>>        lcHtml = lcHtml + '<TD>' + Trim(Evaluate(Field(x))) + '</TD>'
>>    EndCase 
>>  EndFor        
>>  lcHtml = lcHtml + '</TR>' + crlf
>>  lnRecord = lnRecord + 1 
>>Return lcHTML
>Looks good thanks very much

You're welcome.