02/03/2023 14:13:19
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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Visual FoxPro
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>Hi Dmitry,
>>> Do average users know their network credentials (username and password)?
>To log into a PC on the facility network, they need to know their credentials.
>>>And do you know of a way to test the above code without having an AD. Or, do you know if a "sample/test" AD is available for a download?
>I know of no free or online actual Active Directory. However, there's several free LDAP hosts- one of which is referenced in the code- and free openLDAP works fine on Windows if you want to test generic LDAP authentication locally.
>What I found was that AD Authentication via LogonUser is being locked down in bigger customers, maybe because it produces a token that can be used for impersonation. Whereas the above LDAP code just tries to bind using credentials, as a way of authenticating them. This can also be blocked, but is unlikely to be if the customer is wanting network credential authentication.

Do I understand correctly (sorry for many questions) that the username to a PC is the username your code needs to connect to the AD? In this case, if this is correct, I simply need to find out one of my customers username and password and test your code.
So far, as I wrote before, my code connects to the AD by only using the username. I am a little confused as to how my .NET app can connect to the AD without a password.
Thank you.
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