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Oh, I remember him! He was just very pompous.

> Just a clarification - it's not Germans: those Euro folk. It's *Germane*: former member of The Jacksons. Easy mistake, I realize, since he's not in the same business these days. Rumor has it that, while a talented artist, he was a dismal failure in the art of human relations. He had his song & dance down cold but not enough people would buy it. The last I heard, he was trying law school or something...
>>Who said anything about the Germans :-)?
>>>Sure... I get PO'd I just don't burden other people with it. And sure, within reason, I let other people vent. That said, it is an emotional topic, not germane to a technical discussion...
>>>>>To be honest, I have never dealt with folks that are impacted by their computers to the extent they need therapy. It is like people who get emotional about cars. It is a piece of metal, to be exhanged every few years. It is not something that you should get emotional about.
>>>>Have you ever seen someone get stressed out at work- enough to yell at somebody, or throw something, or break something? I'm talking about any job. This happens all the time.
>>>>I think that it is easy for us as developers to forget that some of the software that we write constitutes the _whole_ of some people's jobs. That is, there are people that clock in turn on their computers, and use my software ALL DAY LONG, until they clock out and go home. When your entire job consists of a single software program, it's not hard to get frustrated or even angry of that program makes you job difficult because of a design that was not thought through thoroughly.
>>>>Most of my day is spent programming in VFP, VI, etc. If one of these programs pisses me off, I'll use something else for the job. But for people working in the corporate world, the software they use is pushed on them, and they don't have a choice but to continue using it, day in, day out.
>>>>To say that if you get upset about your work you are getting to emotional is too broad a statement.
Chris McCandless
Red Sky Software