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My observation of conduct rules
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Hi, All

I normally don't concern myself with any chatter discussions, but in seeing all the confusion about conduct rules, I thought I might add some ideas.

It is helpful to me when determinining appropriateness to simply decide that "if I think something is, then it probably is". IOW:

*If I'm uncertain if a certain word is offensive, then it probably is. Thus, I don't use it.

*If I think a particular expression may be insulting to someone, then it will be. Therefore, I won't say it that way.

This philosphy may seem too conservative, but in a global, and yet inpersonal arena such as the UT, I feel this is the best bet: why take a chance? What is there to gain?

I have a personal friend who is the most moral person I've ever known, but she would always use the expression "freakin'". "That was freakin' weird", ..."that's freakin' impossible", etc... I asked her once if she knew what that was a euphamism for. She did not, and after I told her, she never used it again. She had no idea.

My advice is to not use *any* word or expression you think could be offensive to *anyone* on the UT. Then if anyone ever mentions that something you said was not exactly in good taste, then now you know not to use it again (you just didn't know, beforehand). What's the point of getting into a discussion on "Free Speech", or "different cultures", or "my friends who know me personally don't mind, they know I'm just that way"? We're not here to offend anyone, ever.
"It hit an iceberg and it sank. Get over it."
Robert Ballard, dicoverer of the Titanic wreckage.