05/04/2000 07:41:11
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>And the act of publishing your twit list is a pointless effort, since if the theory behind it works, you'll never see any reaction from the twits, and the twits will never know if you don't have an answer to make, don't know, don't care, or were distracted and just missed it. They're twits; they don't exist in your world view! Happy, happy, joy, joy!
>The idea of the twit list is to ignore traffic that might prompt a reaction you'd rather not have, not to go shout "this is a clueless being from the planet of lost, unloved children" to the world at large. They're probably doing a fine job of that themselves. The idea is you can't interact with the twits, it's as much (IMO, more) a mechanism to prevent the twit-filter-setter from getting hot and heavy with someone who's seen as noise IAC. The noise level is better, I stay calmer, and the randoms I assign to the category need never know. They're randoms - people I don't want to have occupying space and time to the best of my knowledge. If they say something of importance to me and I miss it, I miss it - my loss. If they have something to say to me, they can't intrude on my peaceful demeanor here; I publish my email address, but I already throw away messages from some sources like SPAM through rules enforced by my mail reader, and my news filter has twit filtering. Believe me,
>if someone makes it to twitdom, they're already Spam-quality material in my book.
>Of course, they can always drop me a line via off.ramp, but then it's under OR rules, isn't it? And that basically says what happens on OR stays on OR - in theory at least. And the finely tuned test equipment that got them moved to twitdom here can trigger what should be euphemistically referred to as "active measures" that would put my butt in a sling for use here, and arrested in areas that don't accept justifiable pesticide as a defense for creating crispy critters.
>IOW, twit the ones who need not impinge on your conciousness...there are people I may not get along with but whose opinions, behavior and ethics I hold in high esteem, and would not do without. If I want to hear their thoughts here on UT, then I'd best not twit them, and put up with a little abrasion at times. As to others not falling in that category, twit filtration is a means to enhance my behavior on and enjoyment of UT, not yours.

Hi Ed. Um, just out of curiosity ... I pretty much know what a "twit" is. :-) But where did the word come from and what is its precise definition? :-)
William A. Caton III
Software Engineer
Atlanta, Ga.