31/05/2001 17:14:12
Dragan Nedeljkovich (Online)
Now officially retired
Zrenjanin, Serbia
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>>>Another way around it is to base the grid on a read-write cursor; the data pulled go into a read-only cursor which gets killed and recreated each time, and then the read-write cursor is zapped and records appended from the read-only one.
>> I like this idea. Are you sure grid would not be blank in this case? I'll try it right now.
>I've done it few years ago, just to display the results of an automatic process (a slightly perverse progress indicator), and before eventually switching to a parametrized view, I initially used zappable cursors as grid source, and it worked just fine. The reason I switched to views was not connected to the grid at all - I just needed to have it updateable.
>Whether the grid with start blank or not depends on where you first populate this cursor; if it is still recordless when the grid shows up, of course it will be blank, but it will have proper header and columns.
>>Lender table is already in Lookups Database, so I can use view. I just didn't want to pollute Lookups database with this view. This view should be for display purpose only. Do you recommend your first idea or the view idea?
>The view in a separate database, possibly a local one. It's simply easier to do and maintain. With a cursor, you still need the code to set the grid's columns, since the cursor doesn't really exist at design time. With a view, you can set it up using GUI, which is supposed to give you some ease and save some time.

Ok, I have to find time to work on this idea, because today I had a busy day working on different kind of reports problems. I think, BTW, that this particular view can be in a Database, it would not harm. I'll experiment on the first occasion.

BTW, with cursor idea I still can use GUI, if I create cursor in Form.Load.
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.

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