25/06/2001 15:36:18
Jon Nelson
Trader Systems Limited
Reading, United Kingdom
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Visual FoxPro
COM/DCOM and OLE Automation
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>>>>Strange one this...
>>>>The following code generates an error :
>>>>I get "Class definition SHELL.APPLICATION" is not found " error....
>>>>This is on an NT4.0 Workstaion with SP6a, Visual Studio Sp4, Internet Explorer 5.5....
>>>>Works fine on Win2k and according to MSDN "Shell and Common Controls Versions" should work here....
>>>>The problem appears to be with SHELL32.DLL which is at version 4.00 - where do I get a later version of SHELL32.DLL (4.47) and later?
>>>The Shell.Application object requires version 4.71 of Shell32.dll. I'm surprised that the NT SP6 didn't install it. From my article on it that appeared in last July's VFUG newsletter:
>>>"If it isn’t (version 4.71), the getting it installed becomes the problem. Why? First, the DLL comes with both Windows 98 and 2000. It also comes with Internet Explorer 4.01 (but not 5.0), and installs with one of the service packs for Windows NT. So, if you’re not running Win98 or 2000, or you’re using NT, but haven’t installed the latest SP, you may not have access to the object. The only way currently to install it, under these circumstances is to un-install IE 5.0, install 4.01, then upgrade back to 5.0. This information can be found in the MSDN Library."
>>I'm just searching through my old MSDN subscription now... and will see if it works going back to IE4.01.
>>If a customer system does not have the correct version is it safe/allowed to install an newer version of SHELL32.DLL?
>Just copying a newer version of Shell32 won't get it. There are Registry entries that have to be made (ProgID). The proper way to do it is install the Active Desktop.

Thanks for the advice - it worked first time... by going back to IE4.01 and then re-installing IE5.5....

Jon Nelson