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>>I hope someone does a presentation on this at Sept DevCon, because for me removing the Setup Wizard is pretty important. So getting up to speed on the new and improved method will be vital. It seems like creating a setup CD for VFP applications sometimes involve a lot of hoops to jump through.
>Yup, Koziol is scheduled to do this.
>I also know that it is scheduled for Whilfest, but hasn't been announced.

A nice demo of Installshield express was given on one of the recent UT conferences, and I have since downloaded and taken a loot at it.

Doing a setup with IE is just as about as simple as the VFP setup wizard, with the addition of a lot of easy-to-implement features, such as clearer and more concise registry editing, desktop icons, additional installations such as MDAC, and ODBC driver installation and setup, and more.

My company had stopped using the setup wizard some time ago in favor fo the full InstallShield product. That one is not as intuitive, does have a steeper learning curve, but once the scripts are generated, your installations are pretty well bulletproof, and can be re-used time and again as you upgrade your product. One of its nice features is the ability of registering your application's path requirement in the registry, thus eliminating forever the path errors when a user gets crosswise in your application, especially in an area you have overlooked trapping an error in.
MSCE, MCSP, Microsoft Channel Partner

Relax, Boss. We will meet the deadline! What? You want to add MORE? What do you mean, Over Budget?

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