29/06/2001 10:24:42
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>If anybody is interested in reading the opinion, it can be located at
>I was amazed at how hard Jackson was admonished by the Court of Appeal.

This, to me, was the significant part of the ruling. I don't see it so much a reversal on earlier findings, only on the judge's response.

>Then again, now I understand why it was a per curiam decision. In those cases, the court, not a specific judge delivers the opinion.
>While the folks at MS are happy that the break-up order was not affirmed, there is still a lot that MS is guilty of. In my opinion, a break-up was the least of MS's problems. If you recall, the history of break-ups is not that bleak. In fact, the companies tend to get bigger as a result.

Sure, though with the new administration apparently eager to put this and some other cases (tobacco for example) behind them I'd wager that this will end up not being a breakup but perhaps a large fine and some restrictions and maybe even some outside oversight.

>In the end, I think there are going to be stiff penalties for MS..
>>The following can be found at:
>>By The Associated Press
>>Thursday, June 28, 2001; 11:52 AM
>>The appeals court ruled that U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson improperly conducted himself in the case, leaving himself open to the appearance he was biased against Microsoft.
>>"We vacate the judgment on remedies, because the trial judge engaged in impermissible ex parte contacts by holding secret interviews with members of the media and made numerous offensive comments about Microsoft officials in public statements outside of the courtroom, giving rise to an appearance of partiality," the court said.
>>Essentially, it appears that Judge Penfield showed so much bias during the trial that he caused his own judgements to be reversed. Looks like a pretty forceful slap at Judge Penfield more than anything directed (positive or negative) towards Microsoft itself.
>>I'm sure though that the lawyers at Microsoft are happier right now than an hour or two ago. <g>


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