29/06/2001 13:38:35
Gerry Schmitz
GHS Automation Inc.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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Visual FoxPro
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>>>>PMFJI, but let me offer this suggestion. If this is such a big deal to you, then why don't you "roll your own" editor and specify it with the TEDIT configuration setting? To most of us (and I would think that it's the vast majority), this isn't something we could use ot want.
>>>It's a work in progress .... and I won't bother you with it when it's done.
>>Your entitled to your opinion and I to mine. If you've a problem with that, sorry, but too bad.
>>If you think that it has value, then market it yourself or put it out as shareware or freeware.
>No problem at all ... I had failed to realize that you were the spokesman for the "vast majority".

I'm not nor do I pretend to be. I expressed an opinion. An opinion based on my observations of not only this forum, but others as well (Compuserve, VFUG). I read what ask for in the product. I can't ever recall seeing this request as well. Have I read every request at every forum? No, but I think I've read quite a few. That's why I said what I said, coupled with my own feelings. As I said, we're both entitled to our opinions.

>Did the "vast majority" also think "Intelli-sense" was the cat's pajamas ?

I think it's very useful. That's seems to be the feeling of most of the feedback I've read as well. Of course, I've used it before in C++, where I can't imagine working in that environment without it.

>How about if "I" speak up for the "minority" ? Or do you have a problem with that ?

As I said before, you're entitled and so am I.

>I didn't build my last house myself either. Should I build everything "myself" if I think it has value ?

Neither did I. If there's something in the product, however, that you think is lacking, I encourage you to submit something to the wish list. In the meantime, if it's of enough importance to you, "roll your own". Don't like the expression builder? Roll your own. Don't like the view designer? Roll your own like Erik Moore did.

The point here is that MS isn't going to be able to meet every single suggestion. Make VFP controls "real windows" is one that I for years wanted, along with a number of others. However, the more familar I became with the VFP internals, and the more I considered the prosition, the more I realized that it might be a very bad idea that might actually hurt the area in which it's designed for: Data Manipulation. I came to the conclusion that if it hurts performance, I don't want it.

Folks have wanted an object oriented reporting tool for years too. If they don't want to "roll their own" then buy a product such as Crystal that does. I'm not privy to the reasons why such a change hasn't been made, but if I had to guess, I'd say backward compatibility.

>Perhaps the "majority" has some "list" I should be "working from" so as not to invite suggestions that I "do it myself if I think it is so great" ?

It was a suggestion, no more, no less. It wasn't meant to offend. When I'm encountered with what I perceive as a short-coming with the tool is do something to overcome it. I've done that all the back to FoxBASE+. If it's something that I see a real need for in the product (beyond it being a personal preference), I'll suggest it.

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