04/07/2001 03:48:38
Cetin Basoz
Engineerica Inc.
Izmir, Turkey
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Visual FoxPro
Classes - VCX
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FoxyClasses MultiselectGrid is an enhanced+optimized+bug fixed version of the one in files section.
MultiselectGrid can be editable or not. In both cases you're not editing the base tables but MultiselectGrid's own cursor. It's up to you to update base if edited. You don't add-create additional tables. MultiselectGrid does all the building itself. It might be slow thinking slow is a relative thing, to me it's not.
FYI current samples do not include MoverListXX class (that will ship shortly to registered users). We have used MultiselectGrid and MoverListXX extensively in real world app with 10K+ recs at a time in select list. Comapred to listboxes at least we were able to use it. Listboxes even if were sucessfull, took several minutes to return selected list and worst case was moving almost all items to selected (Athlon 650Mhz, 192Mb RAM - I had long coffe breaks while waiting for it to finish). OTOH MultiselectGrid and MoverListXX combination even sets changed frequently at worst case showed up, selected all, deselected all, selected-deselected few etc instantly (at worst 'Please wait loading data...' message I put didn't stay there but just flashed). Currently I'm working on a sample for MoverListXX with 10K+ selections (BTW listboxes don't need 10K to fall on knees just try with say testdata!orditems) and will be available this week.
VFP7 new feature editable views ? Views are editable since VFP3 AFAIK:) I think you meant directly selecting into RW cursors. Well that's possible since Fox2x but needs a few extra lines.

>Thanks for the info on the Foxy Classes. I had kind of looked at those. I may go back and look a little further. But the other suggestion about "mover lists" is one I hadn't even considered. I will definitely check those out too.
>I don't think making an "editable recordsource" for my grid is an option at this time. My app, as it is now, is just a "Viewer / Reporter" app that is used for accessing FP 2.6 tables. I know I could create additional tables for use with this multi-select grid, but wouldn't that be slow? From what I've read about VFP 7.0, one of the new features is editable Views. Now that would be cool. The only thing is that I'm not on 7.0 yet. But soon.
>Thanks again. I will definitely explore your's and Nadya's suggestions.
>>Take a look to Foxy Classes. They have the multi-select grid.
>>In general, multi-select grid is not that hard to make. Create the editable record source with additional logical column in it. Show only data columns, read-only. Handle clicks on grid and switch value additional logical field properly (.T. - selected, .F. - not selected). Define the DynamicBackColor for all grid columns to show different background color for selected rows.
>>I would suggest also to use mover lists - move item from left list (proposed) to the right list (selected), however if number of items exceed 2000, it becomes terribly slow...
>>>Well like several others here, I have spent many hours writing code in a ListBox only to find out about the visual "quirks" it possesses when the list is populated with more than 50 or so records. I have read several threads seeing that this is not unusual for a ListBox control. I don't like that I will have to replace this with something else. I am using it as a multiselect list for users to select records to print or email to clients. The list could be populated with several thousand records for any one client. I want the standard Windows characteristics of Ctrl-Click and Shift-Click. This seems difficult to code into a Grid control.
>>>Before I go off on another adventure for it's replacement, I wanted opinions of the good people of UT. I have been reading Andrew MacNeil's article in Foxpro Advisor(Nov 2000) on the bbListView control. It looks very versatile. What are the limitations and "quirks" if any, of this control?
>>>Should I explore the idea of using a Grid control for this task? If so, any suggestions for examples here at UT or elsewhere?
Çetin Basöz

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