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Visual FoxPro
The Mere Mortals Framework
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I've used VSS and Flash Codebook 6.0 in a development environment with at least 15 developers, including QA folks. We never had a problem. We put our framework files under Source control for obvious reasons. When an update came in, we checked out the entire project, rolled in the update, and then checked the project back in, but only and administrator could do this. Instead of putting a project under sourcecontrol through VFP, we did it through SourceSafe. This made managing the VFP project much easier. We also made sure that the project was shadowed properly on the server, so that any changes to the sourcesafe project also got written to the server. Developers were required to test their changes locally, check them in once they were working, and then test their changes on the server. If a new class library was added to sourcesafe, it was the developer's responsibility to ensure that it was added to the VFP project on the server. What we normally did was get the latest version of the project from sourcesafe each morning, and then copy down the VFP project. Some people simply copied down the entire project directory from the server, although this was not recommended by management in case someone tinkered with the files directly. We had a utility written in-house that made sure all the include files and class references were in synch.

This may seem like a lot of work, but it was only way to manage our application, which was HUGE! On top of that level of complexity, QA had at least two test versions of the project in SourceSafe, and a production version as well. Once things were ready to be tested in QA, they got rolled up through the SourceSafe projects. This is another discussion altogether, which I'll save for a later date. I suggest you get the recently published book on SourceSafe from Hentzenwerke Publishing. (Say that five times fast <g>)


Jim Weil