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I'm sure that is only because all other available workers were tied up delivering lunches to workers from their homes... (that is the country that has the terrific lunch delivery service, right?)

>No they hired a temp.
>>Maybe the job of the person that carries the laundry off the boat in India to the person that actually washes the clothes is open?
>>>I got a good chuckle regardless of “political correctness”. :) Perhaps I am insensitive these days. Lots of out sourcing of software projects going on in Silicon Valley, which contributes to the lack of new jobs and higher unemployment.
>>>If you have read my posts over the last few weeks, we have 123,000 H1B’s from India (official U.S. Government figure!) working in Silicon Valley. Many are in software. 90% of the employed electronics engineers in Silicon Valley are H1B’s from India. I was an unemployed electronics engineer so I became a software developer. We have 193,000 IT jobs lost in Silicon Valley. Lost means the companies no longer exist.
>>>Next I will be washing clothes but that occupation will dry up as you can do it for less in India. Just learn to be patient! In India they will not use soap and water to wash your clothes. But the price is right and that makes everyone happy. Keep smiling! :) It is the price that is important - results mean nothing.
>>>The good news here is that they expect that outsourcing will cause many of the H1B’s to return to India for lack of work. Then the citizens of this area will be without work which is the present condition for many, but there will not be much competition for employment. Who needs or expects employment when there are no jobs.
>>>Corporate headquarters will remain in Silicon Valley as a status symbol, just as attorneys and doctors use a San Francisco address to appear to be "more professional". Can you imagine a doctor of lawyer with a Milpitas or Emeryville, California address? After all corporate big wigs thrive in Silicon Valley and the nearby area. Can you imagine such individuals living in India? Larry Ellison would flip!
>>>We are becoming a service society – manufacturing and all that is leaving the country. Within the last two years alone, California has lost 16% of its manufacturing force. Everyone will work for McDonalds. People from India will be tourists and go to McDonalds, so in the end everything works out! Tourists from India will save the United States with tourist dollars, while corporate heads living here will pat each other on the back and say, "What a great job we have done"! Just wait until the next quarter profits are reported buddy!
>>>One group from India came to a company where I was working and offered to outsource our software development to India for $20 an hour. A second group came a few days later with a similar offer and wanted $10 an hour. Do the math! How can you afford to have n people (more than one in the group) in the United States selling software services door to door, develop software and deliver on time for the suggested hourly rates? It is all done with mirrors! Or was that satellites? :)
>>>>Not sure if I should post this. Not sure why this popped into my head this morning. Not sure of a lot of things. In any case, it's a Friday, so here it is. It's all in good fun, so please don't be offended. If you are, I apologize in advance and ask forgiveness for my momentary lapse in judgement. <g>
>>>>Kramer bolts through the door. Jerry, sitting on his couch, looks back to see Kramer wearing: sandals, parachute pants, a lady's plush jacket (open, no shirt), and a cowboy hat. Looking perplexed, he gets up from the couch...
>>>>JERRY: What the...?
>>>>KRAMER: What?
>>>>JERRY: (laughingly) What are you wearing?
>>>>KRAMER: Oh. I need to do laundry. I've been too busy.
>>>>JERRY: Doing what?
>>>>KRAMER: Things.
>>>>JERRY: Well, there's a place down the street that'll do it for you. Just take it there.
>>>>KRAMER: Unh uh, too expensive. Anyway, I hear you can outsource your laundry now to, get this... India.
>>>>JERRY: India?
>>>>KRAMER: Yeah. You ship them your laundry, they send it back. Voila! Clean laundry. All for fifty cents.
>>>>JERRY: Fifty cents? For a load of laundry.
>>>>KRAMER: No, for a whole month of laundry. You can throw in your laundry too, and we'll split the cost.
>>>>JERRY: No way I'm sending my clothes to India. Besides, the shipping is gonna eat you alive.
>>>>Newman enters the doorway.
>>>>NEWMAN: Helloooooo, Jerry.
>>>>JERRY: Hellooooooo, Newman.
>>>>NEWMAN: (looking Kramer up and down) Ya ready?
>>>>KRAMER: (snaps his fingers) Oh yeah...
>>>>Kramer goes to the kitchen and grabs a bottled water from the fridge. Jerry rolls his eyes.
>>>>KRAMER: Hey Newman, how much would it cost to send a package to India?
>>>>NEWMAN: How big?
>>>>KRAMER: (motioning with his hands) About this big.
>>>>NEWMAN: How much will it weigh?
>>>>KRAMER: About 50 pounds.
>>>>NEWMAN: (without a moments hesitation) Six hundred fifty dollars and twenty-seven cents.
>>>>Kramer, taken aback, does his taken-aback jerk.
>>>>NEWMAN: Of course, that assumes you use the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE. You could always use the INDIAN UNDERGROUND POSTAL SERVICE (he says with disdain in his eye). They'll ship your package by taxi to the West Coast, put it on a boat headed for India, and deliver it from the port to your destination by foot.
>>>>KRAMER: How much does that cost?
>>>>NEWMAN: Two dollars.
>>>>KRAMER: (rubbing hands) Oh yeah. Let's do it.
>>>>JERRY: (seeing the flaw) ... and how long will it take to get the laundry back?
>>>>NEWMAN: Six months. (Evil laugh)
>>>>Kramer, thinks for a second, then looks up at Jerry.
>>>>KRAMER: Jerry, can I borrow some clothes?
>>>>Jerry, exasperated, throws his arms out and thinks "Why Me?".

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
Vita contingit, Vive cum eo. (Life Happens, Live With it.)
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
"De omnibus dubitandum"