28/07/2003 12:16:38
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I maintain hope for mankind that improvements will continue. Often I wonder if we are any better off than workers 2000 years ago. In some ways not too much has changed and in others positive improvements are evident.

A person in one country may be having a tough decision to make such as, “Should I buy the Mercedes or Bentley”? Yet in another country a person is trying to survive one day at a time with the odds against that occurring.

There are those who have made fun of me for praying for world peace. I also pray that each individual will be healthy, have a good family life and contribute to assisting those around him or her. I have this concept that politics and economic systems should serve the individual and family as opposed to self serving power mongers egger to own the world.


>Hi Tom,
>Nice to hear from you. I read all your posts and I hear what you say and its true that the "workers", particularly in labor-intensive jobs, have suffered greatly at the hands of corporate greed. I live myself in a country of great contrast, over 40% unemployment, and estimated 20% of the population HIV positive.
>I also still believe that where there is sufficient will, there can be a way. I believe that sustainable and conscientious development is possible, where people are treated with dignity, and corporate responsibility is the norm and not the exception. I also believe that global trade can be beneficial to all sides and that it does not have to be a “win-lose” situation. I believe these things because without "belief" there can surely be no improvement at all.
>>California is an interesting area. You can travel less than fifty miles from San Francisco or San Jose to our Central Valley and go from some of the richest to poorest people on the face of the earth. We are truly a land of contrasts. Some farm workers sleep on the ground. Unemployment averages 26%. Poor is not the word. How is it California produces almost 50% of this nations agricultural output and yet so many farm workers have such a terrible life?
>>The area between the southern part of Redwood City and Atherton, California is said to have “the largest economic difference within the United States for ajoining areas". This area is half way between San Francisco and San Jose. Entire families of illegal aliens live in sheds and stalls of garages. A two car garage houses two families and a small tool shed houses another family on the same property. Next door in Atherton multi million dollar homes, which have tennis courts and other amenities, are abundant and typical.