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Hi Nadya,
Sorry for late reply. I have not had a chance to go through the web site again so I can't really give more feedback.
I hope you get the job. Let me know.
>Hi Dmitry,
>Any more observations? Someone else?
>Thanks again.
>>You know, it looks like this site was put together by the patients of the Mental Health Organization <g>. And each page by a different patient.
>>I would say the site needs some structure and menus, otherwise it is very difficult to follow. It sort of reminds me of my web site <g>.
>>>>Hi Nadya,
>>>>What jumps to me are the following:
>>>>1. When moving mouse over pictures, they change to other pictures. Does not really make sense.
>>>I basically agree. May be the original author of the page thought it would give nice effect. I don't see a lot of sense here too.
>>>>2. Link/graphics "SOQUC" could be improved for readability.
>>>Agree. What does SOQUIC mean? I would probably add tooltips and statusbar text like here in UT for explanations...
>>>Also I think, there should be a space line after address of the department and the link. This is the first page. Did you try to go into other links?
>>>The first page is static, I haven't gone through the whole site to judge, if it's a static site or dynamic...
>>>>Just my 5 cents.
>>>>>Hi everybody,
>>>>>I have a WEB site, which I am currently testing in IE and Netscape. I would be much obliged, if somebody can spend, say, 10-15 minutes on this site and let me know your opinion (what looks good, what needs improvement, your suggestions, etc. )
>>>>>This is the site - it is an Ohio Govermental site and I am considering to take a job as a Web Developer.
>>>>>You can answer in this thread or send me a message directly (click on the envelope).
>>>>>Thanks in advance.
"The creative process is nothing but a series of crises." Isaac Bashevis Singer
"My experience is that as soon as people are old enough to know better, they don't know anything at all." Oscar Wilde
"If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose its freedom; and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more, it will lose that too." W.Somerset Maugham