30/07/2003 07:31:42
Jacci Adams
Lindsay-Adams Consulting
Louisville, Ohio, United States
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Some advice! Do your homework! I realize that is exactly why you asked this question! There are so many .NET books out there and all that most have to offer to the world is dead trees and dry ink!

One publisher had the year 2003 as the year printed. Considering that I bought it in 2002 I thought that it was more than contemporary! Then when I saw the code examples I realized it was not based upon the released version of Visual Studio .NET (as stated) but rather Beta 1! Function and event names were not always correct – you had to know what they were. The code examples would not work. It was written by a PhD so you know it was “well done”.

The Wrox series was even worse! One Wrox .NET book was so bad that it was quickly taken out of publication (although it is still available from some sources) and replaced by an updated version! You can still see Wrox offerings here and there at Borders, and Barnes and Nobel as an example.

So far I have been enjoying the Microsoft series that leads to certification. There are a few others outside of Microsoft that seem good also. But in general, watch yourself! Or you might end up buying the entire forest and have little to show for it.

Whatever happened to those 80 to 250 page computer books of the early to mid 1980’s that taught you so much? Today if a book does not have 1500 pages it does not get published! That same 1500 page book might have one sentence of value. Your job is to find that sentence! :)


>Hi All,
>I'm trying to decide between .Net books with VB samples besides Kevin's excellent .Net for VFP Developers. I'm looking for books that focus on Web development. I heard the Wrox books were good, but they aren't available any more. There's a guy selling "ASP.NET Website Programming: Problem - Design - Solution, VB.NET Edition" on Amazon for $173.97 saying it's a collectors item.
>Here's two that I found 5 star rated on Amazon:
>Moving to ASP.NET by Steve Harris, Rob MacDonald
>Essential ASP.NET with Examples in Visual Basic .NET by Fritz Onion
>Any insight is appreciated.