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Well, I was running with VFP7 SP1. So actually I could open the table, but I wanted to see if your fixer would be able to truncate off the 'Hello' that was appended to the end of the table.

>DO atfixdbffpt WITH "tmptab.dbf", 4,,,1,.T.,2

I received an initial message when running it that there was not enough diskspace to actually fix anything (even though there is about 3.6 GB available). It said something about reverting to Repair level 1 and it continued running and showed the message box that no corruption was detected.

So I have not been able to see if it fixed it or not.

Thanks for you response.

After Yuris:
>create table tmptab (fld1 c(10))
>for ia=1 to 10
>insert into tmptab values (padl(ia,10,"0"))
>USE tmptab.dbf
>?strtofile(filetostr("tmptab.dbf")+"HELLO", "tmptab.dbf")
>You cannot open DBF in VFP8, but running:
>DO atfixdbffpt WITH "tmptab.dbf", 4,,,1,.T.,2
>I got next info, and tmptab is OK. I clearly shows what's wrong and is it fixed. Do you get any similiar?
>Visual FoxPro file: TMPTAB.DBF | Size 444 Bytes.
>From Data Start, Total RecSize, Reccount, FieldCount
>Filesize 10
>Header Block 328 11 10
>Data Block 328 11 10 1
>Data offset 11
>- Field info Ok.
>- First field info Ok.
>- There are more than one field and the last field info is Ok.
>- Space for DBC info Ok.
>- Record size from the field info and offset are Ok.
>- Record count from file size, header and actual data are same (Ok).
>- Wrong file size. There is some garbage after the last record.
> Original size 444 Bytes Fixed size 439 Bytes
>- First letter of the field's Name, Rest Of the Name, Type, Length
> Ok? Yes Yes Yes Yes
>Table 0riginal Hdr.....:
>Table Fixed Hdr........:
>- FPT file, Memo flag, Memo field
> No No No
>RESULTS (Repair mode 4):
>- TMPTAB.DBF is corrupted and REPAIRED!
>- No Backups done.
>Copyright (C) 2003 Arto Toikka.
>Even AtFixDbfFpt a freeware (except the source),
>you can send USD $35 payment to the copyright owner for a
>future development of this tool and get (through Email)
>upcoming version where corrupted field block can be fixes,
>manual with examples, the source + source upgrades for a year.

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