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Re: Good.
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My reason for disagreeing with them is I think it flies in the face of our history and self-image as a welcoming nation.

They are more than welcome - after they get the paperwork. Until then, they are a drain on society.

But I submit that this is a unique geographic situation, with a poor nation literally sharing a border with us.

What does their geographic location have to do with it? And this is not at all unique.

There are dozens of poor countries around the world. Some border richer nations. By your reasoning, those richer countries should throw open their borders and let anyone in who is disadvantaged. That's entirely upsurd.

You're implying that because Mexico is in ruins financially, the US should throw open the borders and just let them walk on in, so that we too can become financially ruined. That also is entirely upsurd.

The US just hands over 30 billion dollars a year to in foreign aid to Mexico. Their government is corrupt and controlled by the drug cartels and they do nothing about it. Then, their citizens come up & here and send 16 billion a year back to Mexico. And somehow the US is supposed to stand by and do nothing while our cost of living goes through the roof. Again - entirely upsurd.

3. You would, wouldn't you?

Yes, legally.

>>I can't speak for William's preferences, but your statement relates the American people's disgust will illegal immigration to racism, which it isn't.
>>Just because people are sick & tired of paying for illegals doesn't mean that they hate these people because they're mexicans. I would think living in LA you would understand this.
>>Your statement was inflammatory and uncalled for.
>>>I'm sure that if William was lying on a bed with brain cancer, he would refuse to have this doctor try to help him. Like back in the old day's when people would refuse to let black people touch them.
>>>>>>>"North Carolina's 58 community colleges will no longer allow illegal immigrants to enroll, officials said Tuesday."
>>>>>>Do illegal immigrants currently pay to enroll? Would you still be against their enrollment if they paid?
>>>>>I would. If they didn't have that 'IL' before 'LEGAL' in their classification I'd have no problem. I'm not big on criminals.
>>>>Logging in for a minute to post this link to something I just read in today's paper. It's an interview with one of those illegals you view with such contempt. Maybe it will help your understanding, especially the last paragraph. (Then again, maybe it won't).
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