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Class definition is not found
22/06/2011 16:18:41
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Visual FoxPro
Coding, syntax & commands
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The command is this now:
cmd = [exec InTransit ?']+ALLTRIM(user.cclientcd)+[']
I tried running SQL Profiler, but the code doesn't even actually get to do anything, it gives me the error at the start of the function before it has a chance to start. I've never used Profiler before though so maybe I did something wrong.

>What is the command now?
>If you have SQL Server running, start SQL Profiler right before executing this code and see what is the actual command send to SQL Server.
>Also, you may add
>=messagebox(cmd) (or log it into a file) -- just to see the error.
>>Actually I had your second suggestion commented out, right below the cmd is "+ALLTRIM(user.cclientcd)+[']"
>>I put it back up in the cmd and still get the "syntax error" when I try to run it.
>>I forgot to take the "?" out though, but with or without it gives me the same error.
>>>Your cmd is incorrect
>>>cmd = [exec InTransit ?']
>>>It can be
>>>cmd = [exec InTransit ?m.TransitID] && no single quote here, it should use parameter
>>>or if you try to embed the ClientCd field into the cmd, it should be no ?, e.g.
>>>cmd = [exec InTransit '] + ClientCd + [']
>>>>Ok, that brought up another library issue but I fixed that the same way. Now it's just giving me "Syntax error" when i try to run the program, no other information. This is the function it points me to:
FUNCTION 214Listing
>>>>THESERVER = goWCServer.oConfig.oWebProcess.cSQLServer
>>>>usr = "sa"
>>>>pas = "Th1nk@123"
>>>>ConnStr = [driver=SQL Server; server=]+THESERVER+[; database=]+THESQLDB+[; uid=]+usr+[;pwd=]+pas+[; Trusted_Connection=No;]
>>>>curHandle = SQLstringCONNECT( connStr )
>>>>cmd = [exec InTransit ?']
>>>>lr = SQLEXEC( curHandle, cmd, "sq")  && sq is the cursor the data is loaded into
>>>>	client_zip,;
>>>>	bol_number,;
>>>>	ref_num,;
>>>>	weight,;
>>>>	pro_number,;
>>>>	customer_name,;
>>>>	customer_state,;
>>>>	customer_zip,;
>>>>	carrier_name,;
>>>>	ship_date,;
>>>>	est_delivery,;
>>>>	app_date,;
>>>>	latest_status_description,;
>>>>	latest_reason_description,;
>>>>	date_last_updated;
>>>>	FROM sq;
>>>>	SELECT TQuery
>>>>	recs=RECCOUNT()
>>>>loSC = CREATEOBJECT("wwShowCursor")
>>>>loSC.lCenterTable = .f.
>>>>loSC.cHeaderBGColor = "black"   &&"#336633"
>>>>loSC.lAlternateRows = .T.
>>>>loSC.cAlternatingBGColor = "white"  &&"#EFEFEF"
>>>>loSC.cTableBorder ="3"
>>>>DIMENSION laHeaders[15]
>>>>laHeaders[1] = "Ozp"
>>>>laHeaders[2] = "BOL#"
>>>>laHeaders[3] = "Ref#"
>>>>laHeaders[4] = "Weight"
>>>>laHeaders[5] = "Pro#"
>>>>laHeaders[6] = "Customer Name"
>>>>laHeaders[7] = "Dst"
>>>>laHeaders[8] = "Dzp"
>>>>laHeaders[9] = "Carrier"
>>>>laHeaders[10] = "Ship Date"
>>>>laHeaders[11] = "Est_Delivery"
>>>>laHeaders[12] = "Appt. Date"
>>>>laHeaders[13] = "Latest Status"
>>>>laHeaders[14] = "Latest Reason"
>>>>laHeaders[15] = "Last Updated"
>>>>loSC.lSumNumerics = .t.
>>>>I am using WestWind so if something is unfamiliar to you that's probably why.
>>>>>If it's a PRG based class, you need to use
>>>>>SET PROCEDURE to \WConnectX\_FP\WebProcess.prg ADDITIVE
>>>>>>WebProcess is another PRG that wasn't in the folder with the PRG in which the code came from. I dropped it and the FXP file in with the main program and tried to do:
>>>>>>SET CLASSLIB TO \WConnectX\_FP\WebProcess
>>>>>>But it's telling me "\WConnectX\_FP\WebProcess.vcx doesn't exist" because it in fact doesn't, there was no VCX where I found the two other files.
>>>>>>Aside from that I don't see WebProcess mentioned in this code anywhere, at least nothing that defines it.
>>>>>>Can I get it working without the VCX file?
>>>>>>>Where is WebProcess class defined and do you have
>>>>>>>SET PROCEDURE TO ProgramWhereThisClassDefined
>>>>>>>SET CLASSLIB TO ClassLibWhereThisClassIsDefined
>>>>>>>statement missing.
>>>>>>>>When I try to run my program, I get "Class definition WEBPROCESS is not found."
>>>>>>>>Here are the first few lines of code, the error pops up at loProcess=CREATEOBJECT("task",loServer).
#define DISC_NORMAL 0
>>>>>>>>#define DISC_RATE   1
>>>>>>>>#define _MAXLNS 10
>>>>>>>>#define _MAXWLNS 10
>>>>>>>>#define RATE_UNKNOWN 0
>>>>>>>>#define RATE_PAY 1
>>>>>>>>#define RATE_INV 2
>>>>>>>>#define CHANGETHIS this.fp1521()  &&this.BGMAudit()  &&this.fp1601()
>>>>>>>>*#define TESTING 1
>>>>>>>>LPARAMETERS loServer
>>>>>>>>LOCAL loProcess
>>>>>>>>#include WCONNECT.H
>>>>>>>>#DEFINE TIMEOUT 14400
>>>>>>>>#DEFINE TOL_PATH "D:\BTS\Tolerance\"
>>>>>>>>IF VARTYPE(loProcess)#"O"
>>>>>>>>	WAIT WINDOW NOWAIT "Unable to create Process object..."
>>>>>>>>	RETURN .f.
>>>>>>>>DEFINE CLASS Task as WebProcess
>>>>>>>>After that I start making functions. I'm running a local server to test the pages and all of them come back saying there's a syntax error at line 0, so it's obviously zero help. Any ideas?

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