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>>>>>Please provide me with how you come to the conclusion that Obama is a racist.
>>>>Victor, I don't think Obama is racist. However, I believe he and his administration use Obama's race as both a sword and a shield.
>>>I'm not so sure about that. but maybe you're right though - can you give me an example of that? I do think that he has been a a victim of racism though (such as the birther thing).
>>So, what is racism in your mind and how was the birther thing racist?
>Birtherism is racism. The lie that the president was not born in America was an attack on the legitimacy of America’s first black president. The lie that the president is a Muslim is a play for votes based on bigotry against Muslims and fear of Muslims—which is based on another lie, that Muslims as a group should be tarred as terrorists when the truth is the exact opposite.
>Because President Obama was forced to produce his papers and prove his legitimacy just as freed Black slaves were.
>Because no other sitting POTUS has been forced to publically produce his birth certificate.
>The snide remarks about President Obama being the son of a “Kenya Man.”
>Each white POTUS was considered honest enough not to have swindled the American public about his roots.
>The one Black POTUS was accused of dishonesty in having swindled the American public about his roots.
>The Birtherism went right to the very essence of President Obama.
>All of these other POTUS were white men.
>President Obama is a Black man.
>When the rules are different for the only Black person in the entire group, that's racism.

If someone doubts that I was born in the US and asks me to produce my birth certificate - is that person a racist or just a pain in the neck?

You said that some who says nasty things about muslims is a racist.
If someone says that catholics are jerks because they don't condone gay marriage- is the person who says that a racist or someone who favors gay marriage?

What is your definition of racism?
Anyone who does not go overboard- deserves to.
Malcolm Forbes, Sr.