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>>>>>>Please provide me with how you come to the conclusion that Obama is a racist.
>>>>>Victor, I don't think Obama is racist. However, I believe he and his administration use Obama's race as both a sword and a shield.
>>>>I'm not so sure about that. but maybe you're right though - can you give me an example of that? I do think that he has been a a victim of racism though (such as the birther thing).
>>>So, what is racism in your mind and how was the birther thing racist?
>>Birtherism is racism. The lie that the president was not born in America was an attack on the legitimacy of America’s first black president. The lie that the president is a Muslim is a play for votes based on bigotry against Muslims and fear of Muslims—which is based on another lie, that Muslims as a group should be tarred as terrorists when the truth is the exact opposite.
>>Because President Obama was forced to produce his papers and prove his legitimacy just as freed Black slaves were.
>>Because no other sitting POTUS has been forced to publically produce his birth certificate.
>>The snide remarks about President Obama being the son of a “Kenya Man.”
>>Each white POTUS was considered honest enough not to have swindled the American public about his roots.
>>The one Black POTUS was accused of dishonesty in having swindled the American public about his roots.
>>The Birtherism went right to the very essence of President Obama.
>>All of these other POTUS were white men.
>>President Obama is a Black man.
>>When the rules are different for the only Black person in the entire group, that's racism.
>If someone doubts that I was born in the US and asks me to produce my birth certificate - is that person a racist or just a pain in the neck?

That's going to depend on why they are asking. Take for example Phoenix Arizona - where the racist Sheriff Joe was been busted for targeting Mexicans. Or if you're the only person being asked to produce your birth certificate and you're also the only black person.

>You said that some who says nasty things about muslims is a racist.
>If someone says that catholics are jerks because they don't condone gay marriage- is the person who says that a racist or someone who favors gay marriage?
>What is your definition of racism?

I was including prejudice here. Someone is against a specific group because of their religion - that's prejudice - just as being against people because they are gay.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117