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IntelliSense Script for Macro Expansion
Mike Potjer, Optimal Solutions, Inc.
This download contains files that install an IntelliSense script which duplicates the macro expansion capability of the COBB Editor Extensions (CEE). Features include recursive macro expansion, prompt fields with default values, and VFP textmerge. The script uses a FoxCodeScript object containing properties for the script name and delimiters, allowing developers to easily customize the script to their tastes, and numerous comments help explain how it works.
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22 years ago
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The keyword expansion script supports all the COBB Editor Extension (CEE) features documented under the heading "Macro Configuration" (in the CEE 6.0 documentation), except for "Parameter Expansions". If you aren't familiar with CEE, you can download the program and documentation for free from http://www.cobsystem.com. Recursive macro expansion, prompt fields with default values, and VFP textmerge are all supported. Properties in the FoxCodeScript object used make it easy to change macro delimiters and even the script name. The code is heavily commented to explain how it works.
Created by
Mike Potjer, Optimal Solutions, Inc.

I wanted to do this on my own when I realized that CEE does not go along with Intelisense in a peaceful way. But when I started, I realized that this would not be an "Afternoon tea job" and so had to put it aside for now. The next thought was to make a petition to CEE. Then I found this. A real lifesaver! Thanks!! Have a look at the installation-program and change it to read in Your EXPAND.DBF, Take FoxTalk January 2002 "An independence of Declaration" and You'll have the ALT+6 - localize as well. I Think I'll take care of the Un/Comment - ALT+4 in the next days and then we're set again Frank Dietrich, February 5, 2002

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